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We get really behind on the awards sometimes, but we do really appreciate them. But since we get behind, we lose track of who has and has not received them. So these awards are being passed on to our readers – thank you!
First, Kodiak from Team Husky nominated Kodiak of The Thundering Herd for this one –
According to the interpretations that are floating around, it means “Proven. Your blog has sweetness.” Kodiak says he is honored and thank you.
Thor and Marco Polo shared this award with us:
We particularly liked this because Thor has been at the Outer Banks this week. This is what he said, “The Thundering Herd who travel around showing us the world from their RV.” Well, that is really cool because we are taking the S-RV out starting Thursday and also heading to the beach. So you know what that means, don’t you? Yes, Cheoah is practicing her S-RV face:
Oh, yeah, we are supposed to list 6 things that make us happy. You see this coming don’t you? Natasha, Rusty, Kiska, Kodiak, Qannik and Cheoah. How dare we name six of anything else?
And from our good neighbor to the South (ok, a few hours South), Ozzie the Ozzball:
Why do we love blogging? Because blogging helps us humans remember all of the little things that our furry friends do everyday that seem so routine, but make so many memories. The original Herd may not have had a blog written daily about them, but they are the heritage of the current Herd and were the inspiration for the original Thundering Herd web page. So we leave you with a couple of pictures of the Original Herd – Cocoa (the blond Corgi), Ginger (the red headed Chow mix), and Nikita (the first Siberian and mentor to Queen Natasha the Evil).
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Congrats on your awards! You deserve them. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the original herd. The herd sure has changed, huh?
Congratulations on your awards! But you forgot the one I gave you a few days ago.
Huffle Mawson
Congrats on the awards! I love all the pics and thanks for sharing the ones of the original herd!
Congrats on all the awards. Our Mom has to write them down on a pad to remember them all and then we have to hope she doesn’t lose the paper AND can read her own handwriting. Thanks for the pics of the original herd – precious memories.
Woos, the OP Pack
Congratulations on woor awards! Woo really deserve them! Thanks for sharing pictures of the original herd!
Oh, we love the pictures of the Original Herd!!!
Congrats on the awards, everypup!
Tail wags,
HaRoooo Thundering Herd!
Pawsome awards. Woo deserve them.
Also, thank woo fur visiting my blog and sending me lots of vibes fur a speedy recovery.
Soon da satellite dish be gone!!!
Husky kisses,
Congrats on the awards. We lose track too.
Princess Eva
P.S. Qannik hasn’t made it back yet from visiting us?
I thought I was the only one who sometimes got confused about who got what award. But you guys are really smart and you get mixed up, right?
Nice to see the original herd. It appears that your peoples must really like dog hair, huh? Always getting very fuzzy doggies.
Khongrats fur the pawesome awards!
Tank woo fur sharing the memories of past, present, and future days&nights!
PeeEssWoo: 67 out there THIS morning!