News / Blog Posts

Siberian Cooperation

June 17, 2021 |

One photograph a day. Six days a week (Hu-Dad does a Way Back Wednesday). It’s exhausting work, we tell you. So when Hu-Dad asked Landon to be the model of the day, to give us his best smile, to pose pretty for today’s photograph, this was the response. We call it Siberian cooperation. (Hu-Dad also suggests a bug may have distracted someone’s short attention span).

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Need A Minute

June 15, 2021 |

Roscoe and Hu-Dad chatted in the backyard, but something moved in the woods behind the house. A twig snapped and Roscoe went into focus mode. Hu-Dad asked him what it was, but Roscoe brushed him off with a “I need a minute here” reply. No answer ever came as to what moved.

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Roscoe’s Response

June 13, 2021 |

Hu-Dad had been working hard and decided he needed to take a break from his busyness. He pushed back in his chair and discovered it went nowhere. He turned around and spied the obstacle, so he asked a certain young dog to move away from the wheels. Roscoe’s response was quite clear. Negotiations ensued. We’re happy to report an amicable settlement was reached.

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Behind You

June 12, 2021 |

Frankie Suave’s zen isn’t easily disturbed, but he seems to sense those of you in the audience who are screaming, “Behind you!” Yes, he knows the Trouble Brothers are there. He’s just decided the best way to deal with them and their antics is to pretend they aren’t there. So far it’s working. So far.

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Caption This: What’s Wrong Now?

June 11, 2021 |

Hu-Dad came back into his study and received this piercing look from His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey. Hu-Dad’s question was, “What’s wrong now?” Now, Dear Readers, help this caption this Friday with your best guess to the Little Prince’s reply.

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Double Sentry Duty

June 10, 2021 |

Typhoon on the left and Roscoe on the right pulling double sentry duty. And, yes, Roscoe’s nose might be lifting the blind for a better view. But whatever had the double trouble team’s rapt attention? For the answer, you have to check today’s post.

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Offended Prince

June 8, 2021 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey does not like being told he has committed some misbehavior. He certainly doesn’t like being reminded of it eight times in a row. When Hu-Dad suggested correcting Typhoon might be the least effective use of his time ever, His Huffiness grumbled. Hu-Dad, in a fit of exasperation, might have held up a brush and implied a grooming would be the reaction to one more infraction. And that, Dear Readers, is how we ended up with the Offended Prince you see here. Life is tough for misunderstood royalty.

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Flat Dog Sunday

June 6, 2021 |

As we approach the summer season, Landon reminds all our fans to celebrate Flat Dog Sunday. And every other day of the week as well, of course, but it is particularly important on Sundays when the humans always seem to be moving more sluggishly than normal. Don’t worry, though, Landon can go from Flat Dog to Boom Boom in 0.2 seconds at the mere mention of food, walks, fun, wrestling, mischief, chaos, etc.

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Hu-Dad Escaped

June 5, 2021 |

Humans can be so difficult to manage some days. We were napping and discovered Hu-Dad escaped the confines of his study. He took a break from his busyness, which is bad enough, but he did it without us. Notice the glare Typhoon is giving him for this transgression. Don’t worry, though, we searched him for any excess snacks on his return.

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June 4, 2021 |

Yes, the Hu-Dad is at his desk working hard. We’ve made sure by checking in for ear rubs and chest scratches. He says we’re a big help. But we also monitor work outside his study doors as part of our multitasking. In this case, we’re watching the robovac to keep it out of the office. That thing just sneaks up on you sometimes.

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Work Inspection

June 3, 2021 |

We’ve been warned repeatedly that Hu-Dad has lots of busyness to do this month because he has a deadline with his editor. Typhoon conducted a surprise work inspection to ensure everything is progressing smoothly. The Little Prince chastised the Hu-Dad and said he better get busy if he plans to get this novel done.

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Can’t Contain The Excitement

June 1, 2021 |

When we’re walking and see rabbits, squirrels, calm dogs, and humans who think we’re cute, we get momentarily excited but soon settle back into our well-behaved walks. However, a few things might throw our circuit breakers and disengage the brains. Multiple dogs in another pack takes more effort by our humans to re-focus our attention. Dogs jogging with their owners are cause for much bouncing and dancing. Seeing other Siberian Huskies sends us to the moon and we have to talk loudly about it.

So guess what happened yesterday when we were passed by a pair of Siberian Huskies jogging with their human? Guess what happened thirty minutes later when they passed us again? Hu-Dad says we need to work on that… as soon as he recovers. He would share photos of that moment, but he might have been busy.

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