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When we’re presented with this moment on a walk, we can’t contain the excitement and Hu-Dad has no chance.
When we’re walking and see rabbits, squirrels, calm dogs, and humans who think we’re cute, we get momentarily excited but soon settle back into our well-behaved walks. However, a few things might throw our circuit breakers and disengage the brains. Multiple dogs in another pack takes more effort by our humans to re-focus our attention. Dogs jogging with their owners are cause for much bouncing and dancing. Seeing other Siberian Huskies sends us to the moon and we have to talk loudly about it.
So guess what happened yesterday when we were passed by a pair of Siberian Huskies jogging with their human? Guess what happened thirty minutes later when they passed us again? Hu-Dad says we need to work on that… as soon as he recovers. He would share photos of that moment, but he might have been busy.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Huskies seeing Huskies (or Moots sometimes) is a whole different equation than a Husky seeing any other dog. Unless you have had one and have experienced it, you don’t understand it lol
There’s an event in Colorado called Husky Huddle/Malamute Mingle. We used to go and it was so fun to watch them all get acquainted. They gravitate toward each other like no other breed I’ve witnessed. Looking forward to your pictures.
Everything you do with your wonderful herd is a Marvel to me!
I’ve always had rescue dogs. but none that were huskies.
I’ve learned so much about them here. they’re definitely unique!
I’m glad you lived to Tell us about it! LOL!
and btw… I LOVE your carpets in the new digs. great taste Hu Dad.
I have all I can do to contain Ruby when we meet another Husky!! Can’t even THINK of 4 like her!! You are a saint… Hope you are OK.
Oh BOY Hu-Dad-it must have been a spectacle for sure-I can’t even imagine all 4 dogs dancing and talking to the pair they passed! I HOPE you have recovered!!!