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An offended Prince walked out to the yard with his nose high after being disrespected by the Hu-Dad.
His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey does not like being told he has committed some misbehavior. He certainly doesn’t like being reminded of it eight times in a row. When Hu-Dad suggested correcting Typhoon might be the least effective use of his time ever, His Huffiness grumbled. Hu-Dad, in a fit of exasperation, might have held up a brush and implied a grooming would be the reaction to one more infraction. And that, Dear Readers, is how we ended up with the Offended Prince you see here. Life is tough for misunderstood royalty.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Uttt oooh!!! Hu-Dad you should thank the Royal Prince for not goin “off with his head!!” Showing him a brush with an implied meaning. Hahahaha!!!
Run for the hills…the brush is coming!!
As council for the sibe tribe I must once again lodge a formal protest with regards to the on going traumatic treatment of my client. You have been advised on numerous occasions (for years to be exact) that the prince is emotionally vulnerable and feels attacked by even seeing the evil personal grooming tool. For hundreds of years dogs who shed did it with nature, there was no pulling of the fur it merely falls out. Typhoon merely wants to follow the natural path with has been provided to him. Now, we are aware that this natural shedding does sometimes lead to a little extra hair on in home surfaces, however that cannot be compared to the emotional damage sustained by Typhoon for failing to allow him to experience the natural shedding process and be his true self.
It is our sincere hope that Typhoons life choices will be respected in the future, and the fact he does not conform to the standard “brush dog” will no longer be held against him so that he may continue to experience life with the same comfort and safety as his brothers.
Sabo the German Shepherd, Attorney at Paw , senior partner
Delola the German Shepherd Attorney at Paw
Athena the English Mastiff, LCSW, specializing in trauma
Maximus the Tibetan Mastiff, Attorney at Paw , amateur MMA combatant
That boy has such a mind of his own.
Not the BRUSH ?!!!! Maybe some Pluck Pluck too?? Ty wants to know when the fence is going to be up !! He is tired of the leash!!
Oh, Typhoon! It’s so hard to be royalty, especially when Hu-dad interferes. Hopefully, all will be right in your princedom soon.
Oh Typhoon-the DREADED BRISH!! I THINK Hu-Dad must have been REALLY frustrated with whatever YOU did Prince Typhoon! Your royal tantrums didn’t help your case-lol.