News / Blog Posts

Strict Rule

February 12, 2009 |

There is a strict rule at Chez Herd.  No dog is allowed on the top floor of the house.  That is where the guest room is and, apparently, there are some humans who do not like Sibe hair everywhere.  We don’t know why they would ever want to be a guest here.  But regardless, we…

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Wordless Walking Wednesday

February 11, 2009 |
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Changing Voice

February 10, 2009 |

I have made a great deal of fun of Cheoah’s squeakiness.  In case you have forgotten, listen in the background to the videos posted here or here.  Well, my little girl’s voice may finally be coming in.  I have been trying to catch this on video and this a very poor attempt, but I heard…

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Games We Play

February 9, 2009 |

An all time favorite game, Qannik is standing in the dog door entrance and not letting Kodiak in.  Qannik has just realized that I am standing on the front porch above him taking the picture.

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Pictures from Nantahala River

February 8, 2009 |

We would like to show all of our great pictures from our adventure yesterday to the Nantahala River.  Yep, because it was so warm, we decided to do something we only do in the spring and fall which is go play in the Natahala River.  We splashed around in the water, watched some brave kayakers…

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Weird Winter Weather

February 7, 2009 |

Mother Nature seems to be having a very hard time deciding the seasons at the moment. Wednesday morning, this is what our world looked like: We have shown you our hu-dads weather station once before and it shows that this week was nice Siberian weather: To translate, that -4F temperature equates to -20C and that…

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Mine – Part 2

February 6, 2009 |

Remember Qannik’s clear statement that a water bowl was his in this post?  Here is Kodiak’s version with a prized chew toy:

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Posing After Hiking

February 5, 2009 |

Ok, we have shown you the class clowns, how about some good pictures for a change? Natasha enjoying the sun   Kiska and Natasha watching the woods for predators (like squirrels)   Kiska continues her sentry duty   Kodiak looking regal

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Walking Wednesday

February 4, 2009 |

Walking Wednesday as filmed on Sunday (Yes, the Blue Ridge Parkway in our area is closed for the winter due to ice and snow at the higher elevations, so no worries about traffic):

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Competition of the Class Clowns

February 3, 2009 |

Something about my red-headed boys, but they are always in a competition to see who is the biggest class clown.  Take this picture (which I could have cropped to show off Cheoah).  Exactly what face is Rusty trying to do?  And why is Kodiak doing his imitation of the Hunchback?  Stormy of the A04 must be…

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Resting Peacefully After a Hike

February 2, 2009 |

After a long hike, there is nothing quite like some peace and quiet to relax in, as Kiska so elegantly demonstrates. And, if you are so inclined, you can drift off to sleep as Qannik eagerly shows: And, if you are the class clown, you throw all caution to the wind.  We give you Rusty: Ever…

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Jumping the Log

February 1, 2009 |

Remember the post back several days ago when Kiska paused before making the jump over a log.  Well, we were on the same trail yesterday and Kiska would like to redeem herself:  

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