News / Blog Posts

Cloudy Day Views

September 7, 2009 |

The weather has been cool, but with some showers a couple of times a day.  We woke up Sunday morning to low hanging clouds and a drizzly rain.  While that may not appeal to everyone, we really enjoy the weather – especially the views off of our front porch.  Don’t you love the clouds clinging…

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Has it Been a Week?

September 6, 2009 |

Has it really been a week since Ruby came to live with our Cousin Tartok?  Our humans went by there last night, and brought us a few pictures.  Sounds like The Herd Annex is continuing to, well, nap a whole lot. Ruby – You looking at me? Tartok – Can you tell I am trying…

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Long Weekend

September 5, 2009 |

Qannik and Kiska – Positions in the Jeep are claimed Of course The Rooster is smiling for a Jeep ride But even Queen Natasha is smiling at the thought of a long weekend Catching some wind in the back of the Jeep Hoping everyone in the USA is having a great holiday weekend.  We will…

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September 4, 2009 |

City Parks can be dangerous places But not as dangerous as messing with a sleepy Queen Natasha

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Just Out of Reach

September 3, 2009 |

Hey, gang!  Rusty the Rooster here.  Last week, my evil sister Natasha was showing how she can stretch to reach a tomato that was sitting on the floorboard of the Jeep.  A tomato.  Sheesh.  Why not reach for something important? I mean, last Saturday, our humans stopped at one of their favorite restaurants for lunch…

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Wrestling Wednesday

September 2, 2009 |
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Settling In

September 1, 2009 |

Many of you have asked how well Ruby is settling in to her new home with Tartok.  You know how it is when you are new – a lot of stress from figuring out the rules and boundaries, getting along with strangers, learning the best places, . . . Oh, never mind. P.S. – Human…

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August 31, 2009 |

We had stopped in a parking lot to let one of the humans run an errand when we looked at the ground right beside the Jeep and saw this litter: Hey, wait a minute.  We do NOT endorse tobacco products.  But as we studied this package a little more, we realized that the husky is…

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A Walk in the Park

August 30, 2009 |

As we mentioned yesterday, we were looking for a home for a sweet little lady that we met last week at Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation.  Last Saturday, we were driving through town and noticed that Sarge’s was having an adoption fair.  We glanced over and this beautiful red-head was sitting there looking at us.  We…

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Good News Right Around the Corner

August 29, 2009 |

When we originally took these pictures last Saturday, we were going to post pictures of a dog who needed to find a home.  She is safe and sound with our good friends at Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation, but we knew we needed to get her to a permanent home.  But we held off posting her…

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Comments and Questions

August 28, 2009 |

We always want to do a regular feature where we respond to questions and comments from our readers.  Somehow, we never quite get around to it.  But we had so many great questions in the last week, we decided we had to do it.  So, first up – Lots and lots of pups asked, what…

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Drop Something?

August 27, 2009 |

Clouds rolling in over Mt Pisgah – Why we stuck to safe trails Sunday As I am taking Mt Pisgah pictures, Natasha focuses in on something in the Jeep. Think you dropped something on the floor, Dad Stupid seatbelt.  Can’t quite reach. Can smell it.  Stretch. Almost. So close, yet so far.

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