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Warning Sign
Apparently, this does not really mean our feline friends. CAT is the abbreviation for Cataloochee Ski and someone just applied their sticker to this sign. If you enlarge the picture, you can see that.
Read Today's Herd StoryRoad Maintenance
Our poor dirt roads really take a beating in the winter, particularly this road which takes all of the traffic to Cataloochee Ski. We love our neighbors at the ski resort. They take such great care to remove the snow in the winter so we can get up and down the mountain, but also because…
Read Today's Herd StoryWinter Damage
Normally, we walk on the Blue Ridge Parkway road itself only in the winter when the road is closed with snow and ice. But many sections of the road are still closed due to all of the damage caused by the winter storms. Our good neighbors over at Mountain Musings recently posted about the damage,…
Read Today's Herd StoryJuno and Loki – as Red Heads
Dedicated to our pals over at Wild Dingo
Read Today's Herd StoryHerd Plus
Recently, our hu-dad lamented his lack of a wide angle lens to capture the entire Herd in a single picture. We really challenged him on Sunday when The Herd as well as The Herd Annex went for a walk together. Here is a picture of all EIGHT members of The Herd and The Herd Annex…
Read Today's Herd Story