News / Blog Posts
That Doggy in the Window
No, we do not really know what was outside that had her interest. However, we just decided that she was a little too interested in whatever was outside. (P.S. – Sorry about the picture quality. Taken at night, from across the den, without a flash. Not exactly ideal photography settings.)
Read Today's Herd StoryShocked!
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Have to love mountain weather. We had snow storm after snow storm throughout January, but then February has been fairly light – a few days of nothing followed by 3-4 inches of snow and then more nothing. That may sound terrific to…
Read Today's Herd StoryCanine GPS
We realize that a lot of humans have added an electronic GPS to their cars so that they can find their way to all the important destinations. But who needs one of those devices when we have Natasha making sure the humans do not make any wrong turns? ***** ***** *****…
Read Today's Herd StoryThanks and Thoughts Thursday
First up, Rusty says thank you, thank you, thank you for your votes and support in Mangominster! Your support means a lot to all of us and we are so proud that Rusty was selected as the Reader’s Choice for Good Old Dog. Congratulations also to Jubal of the Bumpass Hounds for keeping the voting…
Read Today's Herd StoryGood Old Dog Rusty
Rusty here. As everyone knows, I like to march to my own drummer and do my own thing, so I really do not spend a lot of time focused on what others think. So we were stunned to realize that we were in the lead – ever so slight – in the Reader’s Choice voting…
Read Today's Herd StoryRuby Tuesday – Supervision
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Woo, readers! Do you remember that Good Old Boy Rusty the Rooster entered Mangominster, the dog show for all of us dogs? If not, you can go here to see his entry in the Good Old Boy category. After yesterday’s walking a…
Read Today's Herd StoryA Walk in the Park
We recognize that many of you are buried under snow and a deep freeze, but we are in a weird position. You see, the weather has been warm and – brace yourself – rainy for the last couple of weeks. A lot of our snow has melted and, coupled with all of that rain, our…
Read Today's Herd Story