News / Blog Posts
Long Lost Sisters – Part III
We have shared this theory twice before – here and here – but we always wonder whether Ruby and Cheoah are long-lost sisters. Both were found abandoned in the same town and have many similar markings and mannerisms. During a hike on Sunday, we happened to have one of those moments that made us wonder…
Read Today's Herd StoryVisitors
Our pal, Mogley G. Retriever, taught us an important ratio – hands to dogs ratio. That ratio helps figure out how much ear scratching and petting can occur based on how many hands are available for dogs in the household. As you can imagine, our ratio is pretty challenged. Thus, we love it when we…
Read Today's Herd StorySpreading Out
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Read Today's Herd StoryWorking Wednesday
The hu-dad had some work to do in our field (notice the bale of wheat straw on top of the Jeep – that is the last of them), so we got to go along for the ride. Good for us that we got to park under our tree while he worked. That made it much…
Read Today's Herd StoryHolding Paws
Long time readers know that we have often referred to Kodiak and Kiska as the boyfriend / girlfriend because of the way they are always cuddling. Just want you to know that it still happens – even in just a ride in the Jeep.
Read Today's Herd Story