News / Blog Posts

Slow Computer

January 26, 2012 |
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Bus Stop

January 25, 2012 |
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Ruby Tuesday – A Ruby Woo

January 24, 2012 |
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Walking the Open Road

January 23, 2012 |
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Soggy Saturday

January 22, 2012 |

Hope the rest of you had a snowy or sunny Saturday, but we were just plain soggy. We are hoping for a much nicer Sunday.

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Chipping in for K

January 21, 2012 |

With all seriousness, our good friend KB of Romping and Rolling in the Rockies is having quite the challenging time. As many of you know, her heart dog, K, has been given a very difficult medical finding. Several of us have tried to figure out the best way to help and think we have found…

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Hanging Out

January 20, 2012 |
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Frankie’s Vice

January 19, 2012 |
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Winterfest 2012

January 18, 2012 |

Finally, the hu-dad assembled some of the photographs from this past weekend.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed Winterfest 2012 – sponsored by Siberian Husky Assist.

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Snow Walking

January 17, 2012 |

We promise, the hu-dad is working on putting together pictures from this past weekend’s Winterfest event hosted by Siberian Husky Assist.  If he actually stops being lazy, maybe we will have Winterfest Wednesday!  In the meantime, we thought we would share our other big news from this past week – actual snow.  Ok, not a…

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January 16, 2012 |

It is a Monday morning, so we have to try something totally new, right?  After all, what is a Monday if not taking a risk that something will just utterly fail. The hu-dad, like much of the rest of the “Apple is so Superior to Microsoft” world owns an iPhone.  And a friend told him…

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Sunday Morning Snow

January 15, 2012 |

Normally, we prepare our blog posts the night before, but our drive over to Winterfest and back was long and it did not happen Saturday night. So sorry for the late Sunday morning post, but the good part is that you can see why we decided not to take the RV over this weekend and…

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