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Folkmoot USA
If you want to learn more about this 28 year old festival, please click here. The festival continues through next weekend, so there is plenty of time to catch some amazing performances. Oh, by the way, the hu-dad says he wouldn’t take us in the middle of a crowded festival even if we were allowed.…
Read Today's Herd StoryA Boy and His Toy
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Read Today's Herd StoryNo Sledding or Tubing
Yes, you guessed it. These signs exist because people find a hill in the snow and then sled, tube, or ski – and hurt themselves. Amazingly, they then sue the landowner. Sigh. Is it really so hard to just take responsibility for your own actions?
Read Today's Herd StoryRun Free, K
To read KB’s beautiful tribute, please click here. Special thanks to Ann at Zoolatry for all of her special art work. Except, of course, for the special art in K’s eye. That art work was created by a higher power to let us all know how special our animal friends are.
Read Today's Herd StorySnow Skiing Anyone?
The collection of snow skis above are mounted on a fence at the Cataloochee Ski Area – which is one of our regular walking areas from the house. Only 4 months until the slopes will be open. Think cold!
Read Today's Herd StoryReady for the Weekend
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Read Today's Herd Story