News / Blog Posts
Saturdays are for Relaxing
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Read Today's Herd StoryFull Speed Ahead
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Ok, if you are squeamish, do not go any further. Stop right here. Consider yourself warned. In the set of pictures we did not get, Q-Tip and Kiska were in a similar race and tag match. Unfortunately, Kiska’s dew claw and Qannik’s…
Read Today's Herd StoryFrankie Getting Coaching
We are building a new Sibe Quentin in our favorite field, but we have started letting The Herd out in the area with supervision. Of course, part of that is an evil plot by the humans to get The Herd to show us the weak points. We are not exactly rookies at building safe containment…
Read Today's Herd Story