News / Blog Posts
The Mystery of a Stuffing Explosion
We often tell you how mean and cruel our hu-dad is. Nothing got us more sympathy than our story of how the chaise lounge pillow “accidentally” lost its stuffing and the hu-dad replaced it with a piece of plywood. Ok, there was Frankencouch and its furniture replacement, but the chaise lounge is our focus today.…
Read Today's Herd StoryHappy Tenth Birthday, Queen Natasha the Evil
A very Happy Tenth Birthday to our fearless leader. No, not the hu-dad, he is waaaaaaaaay older than that. We mean Queen Natasha the Evil. QNTE is the only member of the current Herd who came here as a puppy (and the only one whom we know the actual birthday). All of eight weeks old,…
Read Today's Herd StoryA Bored Typhoon Or A Cute Typhoon?
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Read Today's Herd StoryFoto Friday – A Guest Photographer
Traveling together as a Herd, we attract many interesting people. In fact, we once met a movie star who was in one of the most quoted movie scenes ever. But it is not often that we get a guest photographer! While traveling on the Blue Ridge Parkway, we met Meryl Meyer who owns Portrait of…
Read Today's Herd StoryRainy Day Wrestling
Wow, has it been a really long time since we have done a video. There we were sitting on the back porch watching it rain in the back yard, and so we had to entertain ourselves with some rainy day wrestling. Fortunately, the hu-dad picked up the camera and made a little video. Come wrestle…
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Origins of Peanut Butter at the Vet
After our post yesterday, several of you asked how you could have peanut butter at your vet visit. We take you back to a post we did last fall that explained how it is actually in our medical records that we get peanut butter. Honest. Doctor’s orders. We will wait while you go read that…
Read Today's Herd Story