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We often tell you how mean and cruel our hu-dad is. Nothing got us more sympathy than our story of how the chaise lounge pillow “accidentally” lost its stuffing and the hu-dad replaced it with a piece of plywood. Ok, there was Frankencouch and its furniture replacement, but the chaise lounge is our focus today.
Anyway, the hu-dad thinks plywood is perfectly fine for us to lay on, but when he sits on the chaise lounge, he brings a pillow to lean against. He did that this weekend but then had to go inside for a few minutes. Guess what he found upon his return . . .
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Your hu-dad must pay attention to the chaise long itself….
Maybe it does not like pillows on it!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Ayla sez: They sure don’t make pillows the way they used to, do they, Ty and Cheoah?
They look perfectly innocent to me!
ha ha – somepup looks very guilty!
We think it was the plywood, splinters punctured the pillow and caused the resulting explosion. Tell your dad to replace the plywood with a pillow, and future accidents can be avoided! 🙂
Its just lucky that none of you were hurt or injured when the splosion occured. Makes you wonder what people put in those things when they make them.
Take it easy, you guys,
of course some outside force performed this dastardly deed!
Probably an evil gang of neighborhood cats!
I’ve heard that those pillows can just spontaneously combust and explode. At least, that’s what Kuster tells me…
I see guilty ears….
And here We thought we were having a bad day! Those exploding pillows are dangerous! Thank God Hu Dad wasn’t sitting against that Pillow when it Happened;0) Sorry you poor furbabys had to see that pillow explode!!
We believe you!
Am not showing this to my two. I refuse to give them any ideas. This must be passed down from one Sibe to another in your house. Good teaching, Cheoah!!
lol, I hear that story around my place too!
We have those explosions are our house, too! Mom says that’s why we can’t have anything nice— like cushions on our porch furniture!
A Glaring of evil neighborhood CATS came through looking cause trouble and lay the blame on the sweet innocent Herd!
I think the evil squirrels must have snuck in and done it! You know how fast those little beasts are!
Khady Lynn