News / Blog Posts


January 15, 2014 |

Every dog owner knows what we are talking about today – the incredible hypnosis power of a dog’s eye.

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

January 14, 2014 |

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then we present the following series of pictures without comment. Because we don’t think they need any. And you wonder why we call her Evil?

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Red Rover, Red Rover

January 13, 2014 |

As long time followers know, we usually walk in teams – all 6 dogs at the same time, but a human with each of the three. The Junior Team consists of Cheoah, Frankie and Typhoon and the Senior Team members are Natasha, Kiska and Qannik. We do this for a variety of reasons, but mostly…

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Saturday Night Fights

January 12, 2014 |

Around Chez Herd, we have our own version of Saturday Night Fights. Of course, ours are just all in fun.

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If You Can’t See It . . .

January 11, 2014 |

Kiska firmly believes if you can’t see it, it can’t be real. That becomes particularly true when the thing she can’t see is no fun.

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Best Kitchen Help

January 10, 2014 |

The other day, someone asked the hu-dad if he ever had a dog underfoot when working in the kitchen. Hu-dad responded that “A” dog would be a pleasant change. Hey, wait a minute, we think we are the best kitchen help. Let’s show you how well behaved we are. How are we doing?

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How The Tables Turn

January 9, 2014 |

In a pack of dogs, it is always fun to watch how the tables turn from pals in the yard to chase the victim – in a matter of seconds.

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Another Cold Day

January 8, 2014 |

Like most of the rest of the US, we had another cold day Tuesday. Of course, that didn’t really stop us from our normal activities at Chez Herd. The only difference was that the hu-dad monitored us closely to make sure we weren’t too cold and kept our water buckets from freezing up. As always,…

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Cold Day Fun

January 7, 2014 |

Like much of the US, we are seeing colder than normal temperatures. So how do we have a little cold day fun?

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Back in the Yard at Sibe Quentin

January 6, 2014 |

Sunday, the humans did their chores (grocery shopping, laundry, house cleaning). We recovered from vacation by hanging out in the yard at Sibe Quentin. Here are some random scenes.

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Beach Photography

January 5, 2014 |

In all of the excitement of our beach vacation, we totally forgot to mention that hu-dad got a brand new camera for Christmas – Canon EOS 70D. We have demanded more pictures of us (why take pictures of anything else?) and we should start with some beach photography. (Note – As with all of our…

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Walking with Friends

January 4, 2014 |

You don’t have to read many of our posts to know that we are fans of walks – lots and lots of walks. And while we make quite a team, it is always fun to go walking with friends. *****     *****     *****     *****     ***** You can follow…

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