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The other day, someone asked the hu-dad if he ever had a dog underfoot when working in the kitchen. Hu-dad responded that “A” dog would be a pleasant change. Hey, wait a minute, we think we are the best kitchen help. Let’s show you how well behaved we are. How are we doing?
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
LOL. one of Dashi’s nicknames is Masterchef… if there is cooking happening, he likes to supervise – and the best place to supervise from is apparently in between the counter and the chef!
We have a husky that likes to help just like Typhoon. His name is Jack, and his nickname is…Jack-ass…well, that’s just one of his nicknames, but he is our never miss a meal, woo, woo, wooingest, counter surfing husky of the pack…Husky Hijinx! Love watching The Thundering Herd’s antics! Bless you for having so many!
Ha! I see some dogs at your house are more helpful and others are about helping themselves!
We have a couple collies who also like to “help” in the kitchen! 🙂