News / Blog Posts
Valentines Hearts for The Herd Contest – Frankie
Today’s presenter in the Valentines Hearts for the Herd Contest is Frankie! Remember, the rules are simple. Mail a Valentine to your favorite member of The Herd at: Dog’s Name c/o The Thundering Herd PO Box 1835 Maggie Valley, NC 28751-1835 If you wish, enclose a contribution by including a check or money order in…
Read Today's Herd StoryValentines Hearts for The Herd Contest – Cheoah
Today’s presenter in the Valentines Hearts for the Herd Contest is Cheoah (aka, Cheesewhiz)! Remember, the rules are simple. Mail a Valentine to your favorite member of The Herd at: Dog’s Name c/o The Thundering Herd PO Box 1835 Maggie Valley, NC 28751-1835 If you wish, enclose a contribution by including a check or money…
Read Today's Herd StoryValentines Hearts for the Herd Contest – Qannik
Qannik is our third dog to present the reasons he deserves to be the winner of the Valentines Hearts for the Herd Contest! Remember, the rules are simple. Mail a Valentine to your favorite member of The Herd at: Dog’s Name c/o The Thundering Herd PO Box 1835 Maggie Valley, NC 28751-1835 If you wish,…
Read Today's Herd StoryValentines Hearts for the Herd Contest – Kiska
We are on our second day of pitches from various members of The Herd to be winners of the Valentines Hearts for the Herd Contest! Up today – Kiska. Remember, the rules are simple. Mail a Valentine to your favorite member of The Herd at: Dog’s Name c/o The Thundering Herd PO Box 1835 Maggie…
Read Today's Herd StoryValentines Hearts for the Herd Contest – Natasha
For the next six days, we will let each dog make their case as to why you should send them a Valentine. Of course, we have to start with Queen Natasha the Evil! ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Queen Natasha here with the best reason why you…
Read Today's Herd StoryValentine Hearts for The Herd Contest
We love it when readers come together to give us a great suggestion. On our Facebook Page, we were discussing Typhoon’s penchant for acquiring envelopes from the hu-dad’s office. Someone suggested that it was because he didn’t get mail of his own; therefore, we needed to open a PO Box so they could send Typhoon…
Read Today's Herd StoryRuby Tuesday – Check in on the Herd Annex
It has been a while since we shared pictures from the hu-grandmom’s house, so guess it is time we check in on the Herd Annex. For those of you who don’t know, our cousins Ruby and Tartok live on the other side of the valley at our hu-dad’s mom’s house.
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon Circulation
Walking The Herd is always an adventure. Walking a Typhoon within The Herd is an extreme adventure. We will let these pictures explain a Typhoon Circulation. And, yes, he does that about 1000 times per linear mile of walking.
Read Today's Herd StoryFocus Marketing
We are guessing that Typhoon is wanting to a do a little focus marketing. But let us explain what happened before we get to that. With a chilly 8 F (-13C) start to Sunday morning, hu-dad built a fire in the fire place and we were lounging in the den. Typhoon was doing his normal…
Read Today's Herd StoryAround the Yard
Yesterday, the humans were wrapping up their busyness for the week, so we just hung out in the yard and enjoyed a sunny, if cool, day. Some random pictures from around the yard.
Read Today's Herd StoryFast Frankie Friday
Yesterday, we posted pictures of us playing in the snow. We were asked by a couple of people where was Frankie? He didn’t have any pictures in the post, because they were all a blur like the series below. So let’s call this “Fast Frankie Friday” and show you the least blurry pictures we had…
Read Today's Herd Story