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We are guessing that Typhoon is wanting to a do a little focus marketing. But let us explain what happened before we get to that.
With a chilly 8 F (-13C) start to Sunday morning, hu-dad built a fire in the fire place and we were lounging in the den. Typhoon was doing his normal patrol of the house and spent some time in hu-dad’s study.
He walked with purpose from the study across the den to the outside sliding glass door in the kitchen – and asked to go outside. For some reason – must be that Siberian experience he keeps referring to – hu-dad was suspicious. And, of course, hu-dad grabbed his camera.
Let’s see if you find the following a little suspicious. Remember, you can always click on any picture to get an enlarged version.
P.S. – For those newer to the blog, when Typhoon first arrived at Chez Herd, he had a thing for removing envelopes from the study and stacking them in his crate. He didn’t shred them – he just hid them in his crate. We can’t – and don’t attempt to – explain.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
I just noticed this. Leena will do this with mail/business cards all the time. If she can get a hold of it instantly goes to her area (better known as my tempurpedic bed).
And THIS is that gray area of a sibe’s brain that you don’t attempt to understand, but just appreciate. I love these little oddities they come up with. Juno was like that with shoes and still is to some degree. She will purposely pick the shoe of the person she has MOST feeling toward (either anger, anxiety or whatever)… With a closet full of dansko’s she picked MWD’s non-leather flip flop, a shoe she has no interest in chewing (she prefer’s leather). Yet she picked that one that day that she was upset with him leaving…
I just love Siberians and their antics!
Typhoon, you are just too cute and adorable.
How cute!!
Ice sez: Ty is simply insulted BECAUSE his picture isn’t included on the business card. You’ll just have to throw them all out, and take another picture of the Herd with HIM on it!
Typhoon is your resident clown, isn’t he? He’s just too cute!
This is Funny! I can’t imagine why Typhoon has to have envelopes? Unless he thinks he’s a post man~doggie, Some dogs seem to need jobs:)nThe look on his face is priceless with the Business card!