News / Blog Posts

The Road Less Traveled

May 15, 2014 |

A routine walk does not have to be routine if you take the road less traveled, right, Kiska?

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Typhoon Temptations

May 14, 2014 |

Really, Typhoon is growing up and maturing. Just at his own pace. Slowly. And there are so many Typhoon Temptations.

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Just a Little Noise

May 13, 2014 |

So far this year, we have been fairly quiet with our spring weather. Yesterday, though, we had just a little noise from a small thunderstorm. For long time blog readers, you know that Frankie is the only member of The Herd that has issues with thunder. He comes to the hu-dad before the storm hits…

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Just a Day at the Park

May 12, 2014 |

Sunday was just a day at the park – literally.  Because of the heavy rains on Saturday, we assumed the mountain trails would be very muddy and slippery, so we went into Asheville and walked at Carrier Park.  It was a little warm down in Asheville for our taste (84ºF (29ºC) versus the high at…

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Happy Mother’s Day!

May 11, 2014 |

We want to wish all the moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! To celebrate, we invited the hu-grandmom over for a steak dinner last night. For some odd reason, we were not allowed to actually help with grilling the steaks, but we did greet the hu-grandmom with our usual best behavior. What do…

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Some Questions For You

May 10, 2014 |

We learned long ago not to ignore the demands of Queen Natasha the Evil – and we suggest you don’t either. Would you mind taking a moment and completing the 4 questions survey linked below? We just have some questions for you. Very quick, will just take a few seconds, and will give us some…

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The High Jump

May 9, 2014 |

As you can imagine from the above photograph, today’s post is about the racing and wrestling games inside Sibe Quentin. We have lots of pictures of the games that happen. Unfortunately, today’s story does not have pictures of the actual event. We wish it did. Really. Because it was one of the best chase moves…

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Warm Weather Napping

May 8, 2014 |

We reached a high of 75ºF (24ºC) yesterday, a warm day for us in July much less in May. Being snow dogs, we just napped most of the afternoon in our favorite cool spots.

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Hunting Party

May 7, 2014 |

The other day, we posted about Qannik’s lack of hunting skills.  Based on what we saw around Sibe Quentin yesterday, Queen Natasha has taken Q-Tip under her wing as a part of her hunting party.

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Back To Normal

May 6, 2014 |

We have settled back into Chez Herd after a great beach vacation week. Hu-dad said everything looked back to normal as he was working away at his desk in his study.

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Mechanical Difficulties

May 5, 2014 |

We had a great post planned about us getting home and running in our yard. And we certainly did that, but our photographer was sidelined with some mechanical difficulties. We were climbing one of those steep grades heading into the mountains when something went kaput in our S-RV. Hey, that is as technical as we…

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Tired From a Good Week

May 4, 2014 |

Spring Beach Week is coming to an end and we have to travel home on Sunday (Are we there yet, hu-dad? Are we there yet?). For some odd reason, the hu-dad made sure that we had extra long walks yesterday so that we were tired from a good week at the beach.

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