Mechanical Difficulties

We had a great post planned about us getting home and running in our yard. And we certainly did that, but our photographer was sidelined with some mechanical difficulties.

mechanical difficulties

And we really mean mechanical difficulties.

We were climbing one of those steep grades heading into the mountains when something went kaput in our S-RV. Hey, that is as technical as we can get when it comes to diesel truck engines.

On the good side, we were only about an hour from home, so we all got loaded in the toad and taken home.

Uh, what do you mean, what is a toad? Oh, it is one of those weird RV slangs – a “towed” vehicle. In our case, our “toad” is our Jeep. So rather than sitting on the side of the interstate “helping,” hu-dad thought it would be good if we just continued the trip home.

So, yes, we did get home and we did run like maniacs around our yard, but our photographer was still with the RV. And he did take some pictures of the beast that showed up to haul our Siberian Recreational Vehicle to the shop (another bit of good luck – we were only about 20 minutes from our RV mechanic).

the beast for the beast

The beast that came to haul our beast to the shop. No, hu-dad was not allowed to play.


Though he was impressed with the creativity of the tow truck driver in getting just enough extra room to get the hooks connected!

So, we are home and happy. Hu-dad made it home a little late, but he made it. And our S-RV is at the RV Vet.


  1. Amy@GoPetFriendly on May 19, 2014 at 8:54 am

    Whoa! We had to have the small RV towed once and that was pretty nerve-wracking. I can’t even imagine having to have the big one towed! I hope it all worked out alright and you guys are back on the road again soon.

  2. 24 Paws of Love on May 5, 2014 at 11:15 am

    WoW! So glad you weren’t too far from home. Double glad you are all safe and running like crazy in the yard. Hope the RV-vet is as good as your vet and hope your are able to pick it up real soon!

  3. Sea Wolf on May 5, 2014 at 8:42 am

    Boys and their toys. Hope it’s an easy fix. Lucky the jeep was there for the rescue. Does AAA cover things like that? Agreed that it was most fortunate for that to have happened on the way home and so close to home. Probably hairballs in the air intake.

  4. houndstooth on May 5, 2014 at 8:32 am

    I’m glad it happened on the way home instead of on the way there! Here’s hoping it’s fixed and back home soon. It’s nice to have a chauffeur for those inconvenient moments, isn’t it? 😉

  5. Cathy on May 5, 2014 at 7:51 am

    Glad all are home safe and sound. Hu dad needed this to make his vacation even more unforgettable!

  6. Mom 'n Ice on May 5, 2014 at 5:22 am

    Well, it certainly was good that the problems came up AFTER the weekend, and on the way home, rather than TO your holiday destination. Hope all is well now, and the hu-Dad was able to take it all in stride — even if he DID have to miss out on what could’ve been some wonderful photos of the Herd in action in the yard.

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