News / Blog Posts

Bedtime Protocol

July 14, 2014 |

Like all great canine households, we have our routines.  One of those is that all dogs sleep inside at night (for safety because of the wild animals we have).  Of course, there is always a debate about when the bedtime protocol begins.

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Change of Scenery

July 13, 2014 |

Last week, we told you how we stayed at the house all weekend while the humans worked on a project.  We decided that we needed a change of scenery this week.

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Laser Treatment Update

July 12, 2014 |

Since Friday was Natasha’s monthly vet visit, we thought we would give you a quick laser treatment update. After an initial several treatments over two weeks back in December, Natasha now goes for a laser treatment once a month to keep her arthritis under control. She is back to running, jumping, and playing, so we…

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Maximum Comfort

July 11, 2014 |

We are rough and tumble working dogs (hey, stop snickering out there!), thus, when we have that rare chance, we don’t just go for comfort. We go for maximum comfort.

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The Faces of Qannik

July 10, 2014 |

Qannik (aka, Q-Tip) is our happy-go-lucky dog, always smiling and having fun. What better way to demonstrate that than pictures of the faces of Qannik?

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Upgrade Your Seat

July 9, 2014 |

We all know what it is like. You have a spot that just is not quite comfortable enough and you need to upgrade your seat. The trick is to be persuasive.

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How Strong Are You?

July 8, 2014 |

Today, we have a test for you. It is really simple. How strong are you? Ready . . . Oh, sure, you thought that was the test. We will admit that Frankie can do the doe eyes better than just about anyone, but that is not the test. That is merely the warm-up. Ready for…

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How Not To Spend a Holiday Weekend

July 7, 2014 |

Want to know how not to spend a holiday weekend? Let us tell you because it happened to us!

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Lazy Saturday

July 6, 2014 |

The humans were working on some construction project (rebuilding the fire wood bin and loading it for the coming winter), so we were just having a Lazy Saturday around the house.  Hope you are having a great weekend, too! P.S. – Great news after our post yesterday!  Trapper met the perfect human – a veteran…

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Cute Dog Alert

July 5, 2014 |

Warning right now – this is a cute dog alert. We are going to post several cute dogs in today’s post and, no, none of them are us. Since yesterday was a holiday, we decided we would send our humans to Sarge’s Animal Rescue so that we could sleep.  Since they were holding a special holiday…

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Happy Independence Day 2014

July 4, 2014 |

We want to wish all of our readers in the USA a very Happy Independence Day 2014! And how will we be celebrating the holiday?

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What is the Difference

July 3, 2014 |

Yesterday, we showed you the nonstop excitement of the Senior Team.  Today, we ask what is the difference between them and the Junior Team? P.S. – For those who are curious, yes things were hot yesterday. Well, hot for us. Our high was 79ºF (26ºC) – the highest temperature we have seen all year. We…

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