News / Blog Posts
Back From Vacation Inspection
When you return to the house after a few days away, it is important to conduct a back from vacation inspection just to make sure that everything is as you left it. Fortunately for the Hu-dad, we have things well under control with Miss Kiska’s thoroughness (room by room).
Read Today's Herd StoryAnother Herd
Late December is not a popular RVing time, so we had the entire campground to ourselves. Well, we thought we had it to ourselves. Out for our morning walk, and we ran into another herd who thought they had the park to themselves, too. ***** ***** ***** ***** …
Read Today's Herd StoryQuick Weekend Trip
Our December has been warm and rainy, so a couple of days of sunshine was a pleasant surprise. Hu-dad decided this was the perfect time for a quick weekend trip in the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle). Thus, we have arrived at Big Ridge State Park and are already hanging out on our picket line.
Read Today's Herd StoryOur Christmas Present
We hope you had a terrific holiday. Our Christmas present was exactly what we have been wanting for several weeks. With Natasha and Cheoah both having TPLO surgery for torn CCL’s just a few months ago, our hope was that everyone would be to the point to do family walks. So look what we did…
Read Today's Herd StoryMerry Christmas
To all of our readers, we wish you the Merriest of Christmas (and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, we wish you the best possible day as well!). We thought we would share our “Twas the Night Before Christmas – Herd Style” that was published last year (oh, sure, it also provides our official writer a…
Read Today's Herd StoryYou Thought Your Monday Was Bad
Sure, everyone talks about how bad Mondays can be, but Qannik says he can top anyone’s Monday out there. Especially since this happens to be the Monday right before Christmas. Qannik had his regular exam at the vet yesterday. Of course, the first part of the vet exam is stepping on the scales. Oops. Apparently…
Read Today's Herd StoryImprovisation
After nearly 14 weeks of TPLO surgery recovery, we finally were all able to go for a walk in the park. Hu-dad was so out of practice from taking us all walking that he said we were a handful. We think that is a good thing. But he also didn’t have everything in the Jeep.…
Read Today's Herd StoryDealing with Winter Weather
Saturday was one of those cold, rainy, foggy days that we often get in December. No problem, we are rough, tough, sled dogs used to dealing with winter weather. Right, Qannik?
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Rest of the Story
After yesterday’s post about Natasha being tethered, many of you wanted to know the rest of the story – what had she done? Though she has recuperated enough from TPLO surgery to be released for off-leash time, she is still supposed to be moving slowly, not getting involved in wrestling matches, and generally taking it easy.…
Read Today's Herd StoryAnd Now For Something Completely Different
With apologies to Monty Python . . . and now for something completely different.
Read Today's Herd StorySurprise
Every now and then, you just have one of those moments where you look around and say, “Surprise!”
Read Today's Herd Story