News / Blog Posts

Professional Models

January 22, 2015 |

Sure, it may look like we have the easy life. Couches. Fireplace. Big yard. Brothers and sisters for playtime. But the reality is that we work very hard. Work, you say? What possible work do we do? Just look at all of these photographs on the blog and ask yourself if we don’t look like…

Read Today's Herd Story

Secret of Still Life Photography

January 21, 2015 |

Do you want to know the secret of still life photography? Hu-dad says the first requirement is to have stationary objects; thus, he has no experience in still life photography. The fun of action photography is you rarely get the photograph you want. Take the above picture. Hu-dad was watching us in the backyard and saw Kiska…

Read Today's Herd Story

Didn’t Think That Through

January 20, 2015 |

Sometimes, in a Herd of Huskies always plotting and planning, you can tell that someone didn’t think that through and the outcome was unexpected. Typhoon is forever stirring up trouble just to see the reactions. And his Big Brother, Frankie, is often the target of his mischief. Seeing Frankie relaxed, Typhoon simply cannot resist the…

Read Today's Herd Story

What Have We Been Up To?

January 19, 2015 |

Whew. A whole week’s worth of Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd posts! Makes you wonder what have we been up to while that was going on. Yes, we had a beautiful weekend. Sunny, blue skies, a dusting of snow. Ok, we would have preferred a blizzard being Siberian Huskies and all (and the fact that…

Read Today's Herd Story

Frankie – Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd

January 18, 2015 |

All week long, we have been profiling each member of The Herd and are now down to last year’s recipients of the most Valentine’s – 53 – Frankie! He raised $296 for Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation (who saved 1,231 dogs and cats in 2014 – see this article for details). To enter the Second Annual Valentine’s…

Read Today's Herd Story

Typhoon – Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd

January 17, 2015 |

As we announced Monday, the Second Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd is underway. To enter our contest, all you have to do is mail a Valentine’s to your favorite member of The Herd (To: Dog’s Name, c/o The Thundering Herd, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC  28751-1835). If you chose, you may enclose a…

Read Today's Herd Story

Kiska – Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd

January 16, 2015 |

As we announced Monday, the Second Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd is underway. To enter our contest, all you have to do is mail a Valentine’s to your favorite member of The Herd (To: Dog’s Name, c/o The Thundering Herd, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC  28751-1835). If you chose, you may enclose a…

Read Today's Herd Story

Qannik – Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd

January 15, 2015 |

As we announced Monday, the Second Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd is underway. To enter our contest, all you have to do is mail a Valentine’s to your favorite member of The Herd (To: Dog’s Name, c/o The Thundering Herd, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC  28751-1835). If you chose, you may enclose a…

Read Today's Herd Story

Natasha – Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd

January 14, 2015 |

As we announced Monday, the Second Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd is underway. To enter our contest, all you have to do is mail a Valentine’s to your favorite member of The Herd (To: Dog’s Name, c/o The Thundering Herd, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC  28751-1835). If you chose, you may enclose a…

Read Today's Herd Story

Cheoah – Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd

January 13, 2015 |

As we announced yesterday, the Second Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd is underway. To enter our contest, all you have to do is mail a Valentine’s to your favorite member of The Herd (To: Dog’s Name, c/o The Thundering Herd, PO Box 1835, Maggie Valley, NC  28751-1835). If you chose, you may enclose a…

Read Today's Herd Story

Valentine’s Hearts for The Herd Contest – Year 2

January 12, 2015 |

You asked for it. You get it. The Second Annual Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd Contest! Participation is really, really easy and some lucky reader will win a beautiful gift basket from Smoky Mountain Dog Bakery. Most importantly, all proceeds from the contest go directly to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation! So let’s talk first about…

Read Today's Herd Story

Do I Look Thin?

January 11, 2015 |

Just before Christmas, Qannik got the bad news that he had a little too much fluff under all of that fluff and was going to have to start the green bean diet. We stopped by the vet office today for a weigh-in to see how well things are going. Q-tip weighed 62.5 lbs (28.3 kg),…

Read Today's Herd Story