News / Blog Posts

no one challenging

Suspicious Movement

April 28, 2015 |

After all of the rain we have had, Monday was a pleasant, sunny, cool spring day. All of us took advantage of the nice weather by napping in some of the best spots around the yard, positioned so we could monitor for any suspicious movement. Typhoon some how scored the picnic table, a particularly coveted…

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pl;anned for Monday

April Showers

April 27, 2015 |

Rain. Lots and lots of rain. Through April last year, we had had 15.5 inches (39 cm) of rain, but we have already had 20.12 inches (51.1 cm) this year. Over 7 inches of that has happened just in April (and we are not even through the month yet). If April showers bring May flowers, we…

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went to bed

Late Guests

April 26, 2015 |

Any of you ever suffer from late guests who just doesn’t know when you are supposed to leave? Hu-dad was over at the Hu-grandmom’s house last night and apparently stayed until bedtime of a certain group of Herd Annex dogs.

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wishing for the weekend

Wishing for the Weekend

April 25, 2015 |

The band Loverboy may have made the song “Working for the Weekend” famous, but we are a more focused on wishing for the weekend. You may ask what we do different on the weekend from the weekdays. Fair question. Ok, it may look like our weekends are the same as our weekdays, but we still…

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security patrols

Photography Assistant

April 24, 2015 |

We had a beautiful, if cool, evening and Hu-dad sat out on the deck capturing pictures of us. Not that we were up to anything unusual – just the normal activities. While sitting on the deck, Hu-dad was being helped by his photography assistant. Having a good assistant is critical.

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keep eyes open

Need to Rest

April 23, 2015 |

As Siberian Huskies, we are a working breed which means we, well, work all day long and then need to rest up at night. We don’t exactly have pictures of all of the work we did yesterday, but we are sure there is no need to bore you with working pictures. The sheer exhaustion that…

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Same Old Games

April 22, 2015 |

Yesterday, we showed you how Typhoon liked to use the unmowed wild grasses in the yard to hide from his prey (i.e., his siblings). Today was a bright, sunny day, so the Hu-dad was able to mow Sibe Quentin. So did Typhoon give up because he no longer had tall grass in which to hide,…

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big brother

Wild Grasses

April 21, 2015 |

With a couple of thunderstorms rolling through Monday, Hu-dad did not get a chance to mow our grass (which seemed to leap in height the week we were on vacation). So we had another day of hiding in the wild grasses of Sibe Quentin.

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Siberian Games

Home Sweet Home

April 20, 2015 |

Vacation is terrific and we loved our week at the beach, but there is nothing like home sweet home. Here is how we celebrated our return.  

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Family Beach Walk

Family Beach Walk

April 19, 2015 |

We walk on the beach every morning and every evening during our beach week vacations . . . and sometimes squeeze in a third daily family beach walk as well. For some odd reason, people think it is unusual for a Herd of Siberian Huskies to go walking on the beach. We weren’t even the…

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scanning the horizon

The Crow’s Nest

April 18, 2015 |

No, no, no, we did not find a crow in a nest. Since we are at the beach on our S-RV excursion, we thought we would use a nautical term and talk about the crow’s nest – the structure on a ship for a lookout. The crow’s nest in our S-RV would be the Captain’s…

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Security Chief Kiska

One in Every Crowd

April 17, 2015 |

No matter how hard a group tries to have all of its members act in the same way, there is always one in every crowd who has to be a little different. For example, Hu-dad was working hard yesterday (like every day) to achieve a “Tired Sibe is a Good Sibe” by taking us on…

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