Wild Grasses

With a couple of thunderstorms rolling through Monday, Hu-dad did not get a chance to mow our grass (which seemed to leap in height the week we were on vacation). So we had another day of hiding in the wild grasses of Sibe Quentin.

tall grass

Typhoon’s haunches nearly coveredĀ Ā in the tall grass.

next victim

At least we know that Frankie is his next intended victim.

big brother

Typhoon settles low in the grass to prepare his assault on his big brother.

fun to watch

Break out the popcorn – this will be fun to watch.


  1. Charlotte Anderson on April 21, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    Actually, from a Texan’s point of view, the long grass is loverly. It’s green and alive!

  2. Golden Daily Scoop on April 21, 2015 at 11:45 am

    BOL! Tall grass is so much fun! Pass the popcorn, please! BOL!

  3. holly on April 21, 2015 at 8:49 am

    Got to love the young Sibes of a pack. They sure know how to keep the life of the party going. Ty reminds me of our,Chip when he does that to his older Sibe sisters. They know how to make us smile and laugh too. Gotta love a husky!

  4. Mom, Ice & Ebby on April 21, 2015 at 5:26 am

    Mom sez: Looks like everybody is happy to be back at home again, tall grass or not!

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