News / Blog Posts
Don’t Touch The Feety-Feet
Hu-Dad broke the cardinal rule with the Little Prince—Don’t Touch the Feety-Feet—and paid for it with His Highness’ response.
Read Today's Herd StorySuspicious Water In Our Yard
Despite having lived in the new house for several months now, the dogs are still concerned about the suspicious water in the middle of our yard.
Read Today's Herd StoryHave A Cheesy Weekend
With a little Friday celebration in mind, we are happy to see the end of the week and wish all of you a very Cheesy weekend.
Read Today's Herd StoryHow Cute Can You Get?
Just when you think Frankie Suave can’t turn on the charm any more, he pulls one of those “how cute can you get” moments.
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Little Prince’s Pleasure
We try to explain what life is like with a dog as opinionated as Typhoon, but it’s hard to explain how difficult it is to gain the Little Prince’s Pleasure.
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Boom Boom Chair
Landon has become very attached to his perch in the den, the Boom Boom Chair, and shows its very uses as canine furniture.
Read Today's Herd StoryTaking Home A Stray
Since we are all rescues and understand how things can be tough for homeless animals, none of us were surprised when Typhoon suggested taking home a stray.
Read Today's Herd StoryRound and Round and Round
If your name is Boom Boom, you are never ready for a walk to end, so you insist on going round and round and round and round.
Read Today's Herd StoryCheesy At Sunset
After a rainy start to our day, the clouds parted and we were treated to a gorgeous evening and our own Cheesy at sunset.
Read Today's Herd StoryLandon Annual Vet Check
The calendar showed it was time for Landon’s annual vet check as well as his three-year rabies vaccination, but he scored lots of treats too.
Read Today's Herd StoryLooking Over The Shoulder
We walk a greenway shared among bicyclists, walkers, and others, so we are always looking over the shoulder to see if someone needs to pass.
Read Today's Herd StoryMust Watch TV
Landon’s napping time on the couch was interrupted by some must watch TV and you can see how enthralled he became with the show.
Read Today's Herd Story