Don’t Touch The Feety-Feet

Hu-Dad broke the cardinal rule with the Little Prince—Don’t Touch the Feety-Feet—and paid for it with His Highness’ response.

A nice quiet evening with the Little Prince refusing to face the camera.
A nice quiet evening with the Little Prince refusing to face the camera.

Hu-Dad has the Little Prince in the backyard for a little photography session for the blog, but Typhoon was far more interested in the birds. In an attempt to get His Majesty to face the camera, Hu-Dad reached out and touched his front feety-feet to get his attention.

Egads! Don't you know? Don't touch the feety-feet!
Egads! Don’t you know? Don’t touch the feety-feet!

A royal meltdown occurred complete with huffing, puffing, and general ill-temper. Hu-Dad kept the camera clicking when he caught the ultimate retaliation for the terrible crime of touching the feety-feet.

I karate chop you, Human Servant, for your insolence.
I karate chop you, Human Servant, for your insolence.


  1. Jean Burkhardt on October 29, 2019 at 11:42 am

    I agree with all the comments. The little prince is REALLY showing his disdain for humans!! Started my day out with a laugh-for sure.

  2. Laura Yager on October 29, 2019 at 9:43 am

    Wow! Are you sure his Highness is actually a him? He reacts with more flair than our female! I love it! Typhoon I say if you’re have your picture taken, you have to add some drama. We can now add Martial Arts to your list of many talents…Hu-Dad should know your Feety Feet are weapons!????♥️????

  3. Juno's mom on October 29, 2019 at 8:58 am

    Juno’s funny about her feet also but, doesn’t react to Typhoon’s level of drama. He’s hilariously expressive.

  4. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on October 29, 2019 at 7:29 am

    Hahahah! Great shot of the Royal Meltdown!! We also have a No Touchy da Feety Feet rule in our home!!

  5. Debbie and Ruby on October 29, 2019 at 6:45 am

    Great picture of the Little Prince!! I don’t know what is worse, touching feet or bringing out the brush. Crazy and silly Huskies that we love.

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