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A Brush With Horror
Pardon His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey as he sulks. The humans just don’t understand Royal Needs. Hu-Dad noticed the Little Prince’s haunch was looking a wee bit furry and suggested a brushing. And then he did the unthinkable—he touched the Royal Butt with a brush. An actual brush. And tried to remove excess fur. A Royal Scream was emitted. A Royal Huff is underway. So now His Highness is contemplating his brush with horror.
Read Today's Herd StoryAre You Done Yet?
Roscoe considers himself the official timekeeper of the family. He knows the proper time for all meals, walks, bathroom breaks, and—probably most important to him—bedtime. He has many ways to communicate deadlines but the most effective might be the chin resting on the edge of the desk, the soulful eyes staring at Hu-Dad as he does his busyness, and the question “Are you done yet?” Just try to ask for a little more time.
Read Today's Herd StoryBut I Don’t Wanna
A beautiful sunny day, siblings to wrestle, squirrels to chase, birds to watch—so many things on the agenda for a young Siberian Husky. Normally, Roscoe is eager to please the humans and does as asked, but when called inside during a recent playtime, he gave the look every dog owner knows—But I Don’t Wanna.
Read Today's Herd StoryNever Too Early
Anyone with siblings knows the answer to this, but is it ever too early to start mischief with your brother? As this photographic evidence proves, the chaos rises with the sun, so our short answer is it’s never too early.
Read Today's Herd StoryChristmas For Bad Boys
We present the stockings hung by the chimney (er, flat screen) with care as further proof of how much the canine members of Chez Herd are spoiled. His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey, however, simply wants to know if his big brother, Frankie Suave, might have received something cooler than he did. Never fear, Little Prince, Christmas for bad boys at Chez Herd is the same as Christmas for good boys.
Merry Christmas to all.
Read Today's Herd StoryVery Suave Christmas
We have so many possible explanations for this photo of Frankie Suave. Perhaps someone got into the eggnog a little early. Maybe someone is proposing a beefcake calendar for the ladies. Or maybe someone just fell asleep in front of the tree and was startled to find Hu-Dad there. Whatever it is, let’s just say Frankie is wishing everyone a very Suave Christmas.
Read Today's Herd StoryPoor Decision Making
Landon, in one of many moments of poor decision making, decided sneaking up on his big brother, Frankie Suave, would be fun. Then he decided pouncing on him would be even more fun. What exactly do you think happened next?
The answer in all its photographic glory is on the website.
Read Today's Herd StoryChecking Out The Presents
Remember being a little kid as Christmas approached? You tried so hard to be good but the curiosity would get to you. Boxes appeared under the tree, wrapped in bright colors with shiny bows. You didn’t know if you could wait, so sometimes you might get caught checking out the presents. Roscoe promises to be good. Really. Just one little peek.
Read Today's Herd StoryWhich Way Did They Go
Typhoon had much success chasing down rabbits at our old house, but he hasn’t yet caught a squirrel at Chez Herd by the Sea. Roscoe is taking lessons from Ty, which means he hasn’t caught one yet. Hu-Dad thinks he may have stumbled on a piece of the problem since this makes it appear they are questioning, “Which way did they go?”
Read Today's Herd StorySuave Questions For The Hu-Dad
Frankie Suave is accustomed to unusual acts by his younger brothers. As long as they leave him out of it, he tends not to bother with worrying what they are doing. But when the Hu-Dad stretched out on his belly on the deck to capture some photographs, some Suave questions might have been asked. The camera lens might have been licked too, but Frankie has no comment about that.
Read Today's Herd StoryCaption This: Answering The Unanswerable
Hu-Dad’s long-standing policy is not to ask His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey why he’s doing something, but he couldn’t resist when he found Typhoon’s head buried in the monkey grass. For this week’s “Caption This,” Dear Reader, we challenge you to give us Typhoon’s best answer. Be creative. Be funny. Do Hu-Dad’s work for him.
Read Today's Herd StoryOn The Other Side
Hu-Dad and Roscoe were patiently (well, more or less) waiting for the Little Prince to finish his rounds in the yard at sunrise. Since Roscoe was on one side of the railing on the deck and Hu-Dad was on the other, the eternal question had to be asked—Is the sunrise brighter on the other side of the fence?
Read Today's Herd Story