But I Don’t Wanna

Roscoe is normally quite obedient (particularly for a Siberian Husky), but even he has his “But I Don’t Wanna” moments.

But I don't wanna.

A beautiful sunny day, siblings to wrestle, squirrels to chase, birds to watch—so many things on the agenda for a young Siberian Husky. Normally, Roscoe is eager to please the humans and does as asked, but when called inside during a recent playtime, he gave the look every dog owner knows—But I Don’t Wanna.


  1. Debbie and Ruby on December 27, 2020 at 9:38 am

    I usually get the are you talking to me look!! Fortunately for a Husky the cute look follows soon.

  2. tammy j on December 27, 2020 at 9:01 am

    I know I couldn’t resist that guy! they would all be spoiled rotten if I were Hu Dad.
    but maybe they are a little spoiled? LOL! xo

  3. Jean Burkhardt on December 27, 2020 at 8:50 am

    Hu-Dad-I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean. The I Don’t Wanna look PLUS the selective hearing that accompanies that! Frustrating BUT Roscoe is such a cutie who can get angry????

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