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Roscoe Statue

March 6, 2021 |

Each morning, Roscoe exits the house, bounds down the steps, takes care of business, and then plants himself on this round step. Is he mesmerized with the scampering squirrels just outside the fence? Enjoying the marsh breezes and squawks of the birds? Watching his big brother in case a wrestling match is needed? Or just striking a pose for the photographer? Whatever the reason, here is our daily Roscoe statue.

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Caption This: Compromising Positions

March 5, 2021 |

His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey insists on his royal reputation remaining untarnished. Unfortunately, that doesn’t include actually behaving properly, but demanding that no evidence of his delinquency be shared. When Hu-Dad caught our Royal Fluff in compromising positions enjoying the sunshine, what was the royal response? Give us your best in this week’s Caption This.

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Bouncing Boom Boom

March 4, 2021 |

Landon does not believe in slow. He sees no point walking from one place to another when he could hop, skip, jump, or run. With a sparkle in his eyes and a grin on his face, he zooms around the house and through the yard. A simple philosophy—a bouncing Boom Boom is a happy Boom Boom.

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The Pleased And The Disturbed

March 2, 2021 |

Typhoon celebrates our recent spate of sunny weather with toasty naps in the yard. His younger brother sees no point in sleeping when wrestling matches could occur. Roscoe’s smile speaks volumes, but so does Typhoon’s upward facing grimace. Let’s call this The Pleased and The Disturbed.

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Can’t Sit Still

February 28, 2021 |

Poor Landon. His brothers told him to wait (no, really, Hu-Dad was not involved), but he struggles with the concept of stay, A Boom Boom has to boom boom and he can’t sit still. Why can’t everyone understand these things? P.S. – He lasted about three seconds beyond this photo.

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Flying To The Rescue

February 27, 2021 |

The youngsters eagerly chase the squirrels, but Frankie Suave waits until one thinks he’s safe. With a flash, our senior is off, but he just missed the rodent as it squeezed through the fence to safety. Frankie put out a frustrated woo which brought Landon flying to the rescue. Literally. No paws are touching the ground. It’s Super Boom Boom!

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Caption This: Open The Door

February 26, 2021 |

Frankie Suave’s calm demeanor belies his expectations of the Hu-Dad. Meals are danceable occasions. Belly rubs must occur multiple times of day. Brushing of the coat is to be a long, slow, relaxing process. Space will be made for him in the human bed at night (or paw pushes will be involved). And open the door is not a suggestion. So imagine his surprise when he realized the Hu-Dad had stopped to take a photograph rather than handle his duties. The eyes say it all, so, Dear Reader, provide us your favorite comment in this week’s Caption This.

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Princely Sunrise

February 25, 2021 |

It’s difficult to explain how much His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey expects his world to work his preferred way—and how often he is disappointed. The rainy weather of the last several weeks has made the ground soggy causing discomfort for his feety-feet, but day after day of cloudy weather has also affected his grand entrance into the yard. He’s pleased to report that finally the sun, the clouds, and Hu-Dad have all worked together to capture an appropriate Princely Sunrise. We won’t say he is pleased—because he rarely is—but at least the royal mood is slightly less disgruntled.

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Canine Bro Hug

February 23, 2021 |

Best buddies. Pals. Brothers of different mothers. Wrestling partners. Whatever you want to call them, His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey and his constant shadow, Roscoe P., are the bestest of friends. Sure, today’s photo might have been taken in the middle of a wrestling match, but Hu-Dad thought it looked like a Canine Bro Hug.

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The Dynamic Duo

February 21, 2021 |

The unlikely pals are as different as they can be—the curmudgeonly Typhoon and the snuggly Roscoe—yet they are virtually inseparable. Roscoe seems to be asking advice from his mentor about the best ways to entice a squirrel. Considering Typhoon’s long and successful history with rabbits (something we don’t have here), Roscoe seems to have selected the right coach.

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Suave Squirrel Sentry

February 20, 2021 |

Roscoe’s squirrel obsession gets the better of him as he races and runs around the yard in attempts to coax the rodents inside the fence. Frankie Suave, however, tries a much calmer, subtle approach. You can almost feel the mind-meld looking at this photo. Let’s just call this the Suave Squirrel Sentry.

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Caption This: Roscoe Yodels

February 19, 2021 |

Roscoe yodels. Loudly. Often. The topic of the day (or hour) changes, but he will be heard. All human conversations must wait. So, Dear Reader, fill in the blanks for us and let us know what Roscoe has to say in this week’s Caption This.

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