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When told by his older brothers to remain calm, Landon squirms and can’t sit still.
Poor Landon. His brothers told him to wait (no, really, Hu-Dad was not involved), but he struggles with the concept of stay, A Boom Boom has to boom boom and he can’t sit still. Why can’t everyone understand these things? P.S. – He lasted about three seconds beyond this photo.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
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Are you sure his older brothers are saying “be calm” or “go boom” ????
So Boom Boom is a work in progress! 3 seconds is more than his previous record! Tee-hee
Excellent point!
In the Boom’s defense his brothers obviously did not tell him how long to wait. So 3 seconds seems fair!! ?
Oh Landon-you will always live up to your name-BOOM BOOM and we love it! THREE seconds-huh?? Oh well-have a great Sunday.
Always have to live up to your name. Stay in motion at all time.