News / Blog Posts

Sleepy Dogs

September 9, 2008 |

Just for Khyra who Khomplained (boy, did I do that right?  Trust me, that will be my only attempt) that I should show dogs in all the pictures, we return to our regular programming – The Herd.  First up is The Red Team resting during one of our hikes – Kodiak on the left, Rusty…

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Clear Skies

September 8, 2008 |

While many of you along the Eastern Seaboard dealt with the rains from Hannah, we were west enough that we received no rains.  The good part of tropical storms / hurricanes is that they leave in their wake the clearest skies.  Remember, they call some of our mountains the Great Smoky Mountains for a reason…

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Qannik has a Job

September 7, 2008 |

Siberian Huskies are, of course, a working breed.  Qannik is no exception despite his fluffy appearance.  This is a serious working dog and he is demonstrating his best known skill.  You take all of that fluffiness, turn it on its side, and Kiska and Kodiak demonstrate the “work” of Qannik – as a pillow. Yes,…

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Natasha and the Big Dogs

September 4, 2008 |

I have written before about how enamored Natasha is with the “Big Dogs” (aka, horses) she sees grazing in the fields.  She will race to the window of the car (well, as much as her seat belt allows movement) and stare at any horse she sees. We were driving down the road in Asheville and…

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Fog – no rain – at Craggy Pinnacle

September 3, 2008 |

So after our Frying Pan drenching on Monday, we headed up the road toward the Craggy Gardens area and did the hike over to Craggy Pinnacle.  Still foggy, but at least no rain.  This picture is of the visitor center, closed because of the cave in under the road (which we go around, so safe).…

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Rain and Fog on Frying Pan Mountain

September 2, 2008 |

Remember the clear sky pictures from Sunday?  Welcome to the changing weather of the mountains.  Fog rolled in Monday and was, shall we say, thick: Look carefully and you can see the gate to Frying Pan Mountain Fire Road all of about 20 feet in front of me.  Looking the other direction, here is the…

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Sunrise, Sunset

September 1, 2008 |

We got up Sunday morning and headed to Mt Pisgah.  Normally this is not a trail we do in season and certainly not on a holiday weekend, but, by getting there early, we were able to avoid the crowds.  Trust me that avoiding the crowds is an important goal when walking six Siberians!!!  When we…

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Qannik’s Outtakes

August 31, 2008 |

As you saw yesterday, it is possible to get great pictures of The Herd.  However, not every picture comes out quite as crisply as you might like.  For example, here is one of the early pictures that I took yesterday of Mr. Qannik: Not bad, huh?  But it was not quite right, so I had…

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Resting in the Jeep

August 30, 2008 |

A little warm here today, so we opted for three shorter hikes rather than a big hike.  Still, we put on a little over 5 miles, so we were all a little tired.  I was sitting under a shade tree and took these pictures of the dogs in the Jeep. Handsome Mr. Qannik resting inside…

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The Rain has Finally Stopped

August 29, 2008 |

Ok, the bi-peds were happy that we received 4.15 inches of rain at the house this week thanks to Hurricane / Tropical Storm Fay, but the Herd has not been happy.  Walks in the rain.  A mudpit for a dog yard.   The first day was cool.  The second day was ok.  By the third…

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Cool Siberian Clock

August 28, 2008 |

Ok, on the side bar, I have added a cool Siberian Clock that I had seen appearing on many of the other dog blogs out there.  In case you want one for your own blog (or one of the many others that are on the site), you can check them out at Oorvi’s Playground or take…

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Rock Stars

August 23, 2008 |

There was a girl’s soccer match in Asheville today.  How do I know that?  We parked at a Panera Bread for lunch when a mob of early teen girls wearing Knoxville soccer shirts came out and crowded around the Herd.  The dogs ate up all of the attention until the girls’ mothers came out to…

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