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Just for Khyra who Khomplained (boy, did I do that right? Trust me, that will be my only attempt) that I should show dogs in all the pictures, we return to our regular programming – The Herd. First up is The Red Team resting during one of our hikes – Kodiak on the left, Rusty in the back, and Cheoah on the right.
Just a little bit warm right now and we are waiting for fall. In the spirit of the Red Team, we have started to notice a few of the trees are starting to develop some red leaves. Snow can’t be far behind! Ok, a little ways away. But that warm air zaps our strength. While The Red Team was basking in the sun, Natasha was finding some shade. Pardon the half closed eyes please!
Of course, I should never show pictures of Natasha that are less than flattering, because the Queen will exact her revenge. But, since I am already in trouble, here she is waiting on me to get everyone loaded into the Jeep so we could head home. Any bets for whether she was still awake when we left the parking lot?
To be fair, how about a picture of Qannik using the wheel well as a pillow. How can this possibly be comfortable?
And one final one – Rusty is totally out and wondering why I am taking pictures and not driving home. Put the camera away!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Hi & welcome to DWB!! You guys are gorgeous!
Natasha sleeps in the same spot as me in the car. That’s what the console is for!
Woof, Herd
Snow? You like the snow? We got about 2 inches one year in Tucson and we didn’t know what to think. Norman was afraid to go outside. But you pups look prepared for snow so we hope you get some soon.
Woof, woof,
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence
Woo to yoo!
I hang out with the Sibes/Mals because Dad likes them a lot and might get one some day to go with me and Big Brother. Come check out mine blog! I likes yours a lot.
Khyraese is not hard to learn but you have to practice! Your pups are all very very nice!
Huffle Mawson
Hmmm! I like these pictures as well as those pictures! In fact, I prefer those pictures as they are:) and these too as they are:)
Khyraese is tough…I know what you mean!
Snow too?!
What fun:) I’ll wait for the pictures:)
Licks n Wags,
Ahhhh, a good husky is a sleepy husky! Good thing I’m a malamute!!! They all look happy but ready for a nap! Like me most of the time.
Oh, and my new baby Khady gets her KH from Khyra. I knew if I spelled it Kady or Cady, it would just be changed to Khady anyway, so what the heck. I just used Khyraease to spell her name!
Greetings from Dallas!
We are a long way from snow but can only wish.
Love your pics,
Moshi and Kibo
Very nice pics and it looks like a few of them have taken photo-taking lessons from the AO4.
Woo, the OP Pack
Fur the rekhord, I didn’t khomplain – I simply said how about some DOGS in the khool beaWOOtiful scenery shots! I mean, woo are a human – dontcha know multitasking?!?
Yes, you did well with your spelling – if you like, woo khan study up here>>>>
PeeEssWoo: furry nice khanines woo got there!