News / Blog Posts

Panoramics and an Unimpressed Herd

October 23, 2008 |

I was filming one of those panoramic views like this: I was impressed with the clear skies, the long range views, and the fading colors of the leaves. The Herd, however, was totally unimpressed as evidenced by this: It’s a very tough crowd to impress.

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Walking Wednesday

October 22, 2008 |

To join those who post Walking Wednesdays, here is a short video of The Herd:

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Poor Rusty

October 21, 2008 |

Rule of thumb for a dog.  Any ride by yourself can not be a good thing.  I went downstairs, put on Rusty’s seat belt and leash, and loaded him into the Jeep.  He was really excited until it hit him that he was alone.  Then he gave me the “uh-oh” look: And why was he getting…

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Sleepy Time

October 20, 2008 |

A little over 7 miles (11 km) on some steep, rocky trails yesterday, so the dogs were good and tired at the end of the day.  Just a few pictures from last night in the den, starting with Kodiak who would not even raise his head to look at me: Next, Qannik who not only…

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Walking is Too Slow

October 19, 2008 |

The air is crisp and cool, which means The Herd has entirely too much energy. So, sometimes, walking is not quite enough for The Herd. So here is video of The Herd jogging on an abandoned road (sorry for the video quality – it looks a little like Cloverfield or The Blair Witch Project, but…

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Comments & Questions

October 18, 2008 |

We were catching up on all of the questions and comments posted this week, and thought we would answer a few of them: Digging Holes Kat (which is one of my favorite Siberian names and I plan to “borrow” it some day) of Steve and Kat fame asks about the Journey to the Center of…

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Fall Friday – Technical Problem

October 17, 2008 |

Each Friday for the past few weeks, we have shared the view from our front porch so that you can see the progression of the fall colors: Friday September 26 Friday October 3 Friday October 10 But, we have a technical problem today: No, the mountain did not suddenly disappear or collapse into Kodiak’s hole.…

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A Different Natasha

October 16, 2008 |

This is the Natasha I am used to.  Confident.  Impatient.  Cocky.  Telling me to stop taking pictures and get in the Jeep and LET’S GO NOW ! ! !  The Boss of The Herd (I keep telling her that I am the boss, but she just humors me). But even Queen Natasha the Evil can…

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Fall Special Update

October 15, 2008 |

No, it is not Friday, so, no, this is not a picture from my porch.  However, I wanted to share what the mountains looked like from the top of Mt Pisgah (NC) Sunday morning.  Hope you enjoy the colors as much as I do:  

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Journey to the Center of the Earth

October 14, 2008 |

For those who do not understand the love that a Siberian has for digging, I present Kodiak:   By the way, notice how helpful Kiska is?  Waiting until Kodiak has dug the hole for a while before coming over to inspect his work.  Management?  Or perhaps learning from Meeshka on how to get others to…

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October 13, 2008 |

Qannik wants to be clear.  This is his water bowl.  Period.  Questions? P.S. – Don’t worry.  There are several water bowls.  And always plenty of water.  Qannik was just breathing between gulps and wanted to be clear he was not done yet.

Read Today's Herd Story

Rusty made it

October 12, 2008 |

Kayla and Maebe asked after yesterday’s post if Rusty was ever successful in settling into a perfect sleeping spot.  We are happy to report that he and Kodiak snuggled up together in the back of the Jeep.  (If you enlarge the picture, you can even see his pickle nose!). Rusty thanks you so much for…

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