A Different Natasha

This is the Natasha I am used to.  Confident.  Impatient.  Cocky.  Telling me to stop taking pictures and get in the Jeep and LET’S GO NOW ! ! !  The Boss of The Herd (I keep telling her that I am the boss, but she just humors me).

Natasha Alert

But even Queen Natasha the Evil can get tired after a long day of hiking.  We are parallel parked on a street in downtown Asheville and she is holding her head out the window trying to watch the world go by. I was able to take this picture from the drivers seat and catch her reflection in the side view mirror on the passenger side of the car.  Can you tell that sleep is overcoming her?  

Natasha sleepy

Makes me laugh because I remember her as a puppy (terrorizing her “Mama Bear” Nikita).  Natasha used to run around the house, but she would get so sleepy that she would literally fall asleep in mid stride and collapse to the floor sound asleep and sleep for an hour.  I called her the Narcolepsy Puppy.


  1. Thor and Marco Polo on October 18, 2008 at 11:09 pm


    We think the Queen is quite beautiful!

    Thor and Marco Polo

  2. Louka on October 17, 2008 at 4:00 pm

    Mommy says that she sympathises with the being bossed around bit. I have no idea what she means. Even falling asleep in the window, Queen Natasha the Evil looks great! It’s a very good picture.


  3. Steve and Kat on October 17, 2008 at 2:51 pm

    She’s still in charge, just tired. Trust me, I know that move.


  4. The Army of Four on October 16, 2008 at 10:50 am

    Cool picture!
    Mom says I’m either at 100 mph or zero. Ha roo roo roo!
    Play bows,

  5. Khyra on October 16, 2008 at 8:23 am

    Woo –

    Sleep is overkhoming me looking at the pikh!


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