Poor Rusty

Rule of thumb for a dog.  Any ride by yourself can not be a good thing.  I went downstairs, put on Rusty’s seat belt and leash, and loaded him into the Jeep.  He was really excited until it hit him that he was alone.  Then he gave me the “uh-oh” look:

Rusty uh-oh

And why was he getting to go on a solo trip.  The V-E-T.  But not just for a simple check-up.  Nope, it seems Rusty had developed a hot spot and the vet had to clean it out.  Not a great picture, but here is the idea:

hot spot

We did not notice it until Sunday, so we took him in for the first appointment available Monday.  The treatment itself is relatively easy, but there is a catch.  That’s right, Rusty can not lick the spot for a week.  And how do you prevent that?

Rusty and the cone

That’s right, the dreaded cone.  Of course, all of the other dogs are treating him with the proper respect.

NOT!  They keep leading him on obstacle courses that are sure to have him collide the cone into solid objects.  And, of course, they sit around him with their paws over their mouths snickering.  Really!  So Rusty plans to sulk for the rest of the week.  Or, get really good satellite TV reception:

Rusty Sulking

Everyone now – Poooooooor Rusty!


  1. Wild Dingo on July 9, 2009 at 3:16 am

    Oh the dreaded “cone of shame!” (where did i read that somewhere recently?) someone once told me they used bitter yuck on their dog’s hot spots to keep them from licking them. not sure if it would work…but….maybe better than the cone of shame!

  2. Dannan & The Girl on October 23, 2008 at 10:12 pm

    Hope your hot spot feels better soon! And there are alternatives to the lampshade, depending on where the injury is… after the vet stole my leggy, I wore a t-shirt for weeks. WEEKS. SOOOOOO undignified! Some doggies can pull it off, but NOT ME.

    Anyway, feel better soon, Rusty!

    Brown dog kisses,

  3. Thor and Marco Polo on October 23, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    WOO WOO Rusty

    We are very sorry to hear about your Hot Spot, I got one on my face and Mom thought it was never going to heal! I hate those lampshade too! Hugs Thor

  4. The OP Pack on October 21, 2008 at 5:32 pm

    Ahh, poor Rusty, hot spots are no fun at all. And then the horror of a lampshade!!! We hope woo can heal quickly and shed your conehead. Or else maybe woo can think of a way to decorate it for Halloween.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  5. Biloxi on October 21, 2008 at 4:31 pm

    Woo Woo Rusty! Wese feels bad for you now. But leasts your Maw found it so it could get better.
    If you tryin to find good programs to watch, ain’t none.
    Feels better soon!!!!

    Husky kisses,

  6. Steve and Kat on October 21, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Poor Rusty! I was really hoping that you were going to agility class because that’s where I’ve been going when I have to go somewhere without Steve. I hope your spots get better. You probably need lots of bully sticks to chew on instead of chewing your hot spot.


  7. Khyra on October 21, 2008 at 8:11 am

    Poor Rusty!

    Glad woo found it!!

    BTW, Princess Holly Bolly Boooooo’s vet uses empty plastikh bukhets for such times!!!


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