News / Blog Posts

Space Wars

January 8, 2022 |

His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey has many rules about how the humans and other canines are to give him deference. Yesterday’s discussion centered around space wars—not the intergalactic kind but who has the claim over the space under the desk. Silly Hu-Dad believes he should be able to put his feet there, but Typhoon knows it makes the perfect cave for an afternoon nap. It’s so hard being royal and others don’t respect your obvious superiority.

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Threat Assessment

January 7, 2022 |

We had a surprise visitor in our house yesterday and Landon handled threat assessment. So why was it a surprise? This one takes a little explanation, so you’ll need to click the link for details.

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Snow Diet

January 6, 2022 |

December was unseasonably warm here with almost no hint of wintry weather. Our first forecasted snow came earlier this week with predictions from a dusting, to a few inches, to nearly a foot. Let’s call the actual result disappointing. We had maybe an inch or so of snow, but with the warm ground, it struggled to accumulate anywhere except shady areas. His Royal Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey might be a picky eater, but he loves munching away on some snow. As little as we got, he ate everything he could find as part of his snow diet.

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Poor Decision Making

January 4, 2022 |

Roscoe P. loves his routines and loves his bestest big brother. Early Monday morning—about 4 a.m. to be precise—Typhoon needed to go outside (that poor kid’s digestive system sometimes creates that issue). Roscoe, of course, had to accompany his bestest big brother. Once back inside the house, Roscoe regretted the interruption of his sleep and put himself back into his crate. That is the look of regret at 5 a.m. for poor decision making. Or, perhaps, it’s a look of annoyance that Hu-Dad is taking photos at 5 a.m.

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Breaking New Year’s Resolutions

January 2, 2022 |

Less than 10% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions and most fail before February 1. Hu-Dad suggested we could teach them a few things since we were busy breaking ours on January 1. In fairness, Typhoon says he never actually agreed to behave in 2022, but he also denies that he was up to anything despite hiding behind the erosion fence in the backyard. That look does suggest, however, that he might have been surprised Hu-Dad was in the yard and watching.

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No Amount Of Training

December 31, 2021 |

Hu-Dad could offer treats and big rewards and he would never get one of us to hop around on our back legs like a circus clown. A pair of squirrels over our heads during our morning walk, however, had Roscoe bouncing like a pogo stick. Hu-Dad says we are his circus and his clowns. (P.S. – Have a Happy New Year. We will be taking tomorrow off, but will see you Sunday morning!)

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The Cover-Up Continues

December 30, 2021 |

When will it end? First, our Hu-Dad gave us a special Christmas present by having the backyard bulldozed which created a muddy playground. Then, the workers horrified us by spreading gravel and wrecking our fun. But now, their lows have gone to new heights. In anticipation of rain later this week, they covered our mud mountain in plastic. This is particularly problematic for Landon who discovered a peculiar game when the mountain first rose. To find out what that game is, you will have to click that link.

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Question Of Innocence

December 28, 2021 |

Crash. Boom. Bang. The sounds every human who shares their lives with canines knows well. When Hu-Dad went into the next room to ask what could possibly be causing such a clatter, Landon was quick to express his total lack of involvement in any noise making mischief. No question of innocence in that face, is there?

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We Wish You A Merry Christmas 2021

December 24, 2021 |

Roscoe likes to make friends with all dogs he meets, including quiet Max who has been in our front yard since Thanksgiving. On behalf of all of us, both of them wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas 2021. To celebrate, we will be taking the weekend off and will return on Monday. Until then, be safe and be merry.

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A Herd Cover-Up!

December 23, 2021 |

We were so happy with the early Christmas present Hu-Dad gave us—a yard filled with mud! After a couple of days of rain, though, the weather cleared and the workers were back. You’ll never guess what they did! They performed the ultimate cover-up—with loads of gravel spread over our precious mud. Exactly how are we supposed to get filthy after this? And, tomorrow, they are planning to fill in our holes with posts and concrete. Sorry to share how rough our life is with all of you, but we thought you should know.

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Searching For Santa

December 21, 2021 |

Every day, we sniff the packages under the Christmas tree and inspect the tags with our names on them. Hu-Dad says we have to wait until Santa Claws comes before we can open them, so Roscoe has taken up the official observation post searching for Santa. Or squirrels. He forgets.

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A Dirt Racetrack

December 19, 2021 |

When we posted photos yesterday of a mud mountain, some were concerned it was too close to the fence. As you can see, that was just an optical illusion. Instead, Hu-Dad built a dirt racetrack complete with walls just for us! Oh, sure, he claims they are actually erosion control fences to keep the mud from sliding away, so we like that too. (For more photos, click the link).

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