The Cover-Up Continues

First, the workmen spread gravel on our muddy backyard, but now the cover-up continues and Landon is determined to get to the bottom of it.

Landon explores the plastic hill - the cover-up continues
Landon explores the plastic hill

When will it end? First, our Hu-Dad gave us a special Christmas present by having the backyard bulldozed which created a muddy playground. Then, the workers horrified us by spreading gravel and wrecking our fun. But now, their lows have gone to new heights. In anticipation of rain later this week, they covered our mud mountain in plastic. This is particularly problematic for Landon who discovered a peculiar game when the mountain first rose.

Hu-Dad realized he shared this story on his personal Facebook page but never shared it with you. Rather than retell it, we thought we would just copy this for your pleasure:

This is one of those stories. I’ve almost hurt myself laughing, so let me share.

As you know, we are having some work done in the backyard. The bulldozing was done Friday. Of course, Saturday brought rain. Lots of it. To the shock and dismay of the dogs, we’ve insisted on leashes for their bathroom trips to prevent red-clay-covered canines from asking to come inside.

For three out of four dogs, that has gone well. The fourth—Landon—Boom Boom—peeing is fine. But—how do I put this delicately?—Boom Boom (the dog) has to Boom Boom (race like a lunatic around the yard) before he can Boom Boom (er, use your imagination).

I tried walking and walking and walking him tonight to no avail, so finally let him off-leash so he could race around the yard and stir up the necessary, er, emotions. He did mad circles and then finally got THAT look on his face. At first, I was happy, but then he raced up the muddy berm to the very peak and, well, planted his flag.

So, yeah, first I had to retrieve the maniacal racer and deposit him in the house without muddying the floors, and then I had to climb the muddy berm to retrieve his deposit.

Point to the Boomster on this one.

For those wondering, Landon decided he wasn’t going to let a little plastic slow down his fun. Of course, after he deposited at the top of the hill, we discovered the slippery surface sped up the rappel of the repelling matter.

Another point to the Boomster


  1. tammyj on December 30, 2021 at 1:38 pm

    just the BEST! and I needed this laugh today. give him a hug for me.
    oh wait. he doesn’t like to be touched! LOLOLOL. oh well. XO

  2. Juno's mom on December 30, 2021 at 11:58 am

    He sure let you know what he thought of the tarp.

  3. mary michaud on December 30, 2021 at 11:11 am

    too funny, our huskies have their own ideas of the perfect place for leaving things behind

  4. Jean Burkhardt on December 30, 2021 at 8:50 am

    Hu-Dad-I am STILL laughing so hard it’s difficult to type. I understand Boom Boom’s NEEDS when it’s TIME to go-lol. Our boy has to smell for like 10 minutes for the perfect SPOT!!!!

  5. Laura Yager on December 30, 2021 at 8:24 am

    Hu Dad, you should know by now, and freely admit, that Huskies will always win, if not outsmart. Our oldest is almost 9. She definitely puts me through her antics and “mind melds”.Her younger brother is just as conniving. Boom is just doing Boom. I’m sure they all love your servitude. Thanks fir the belly laugh!

  6. Debbie & Miss Ruby on December 30, 2021 at 7:35 am

    2 to 0 – That was not a good day for Hu-Dad but a great one for Boom Boom. Really funny when you picture it!!

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