News / Blog Posts
Typhoon’s Temper Tantrum
Typhoon here to tell the entire story of my temper tantrum yesterday morning. For those of you who do not follow our Facebook Page, the hu-dad posted a comment that as soon as I was loaded into my crate yesterday morning, I threw my biggest temper tantrum ever. He suggested – ok, he stated –…
Read Today's Herd StoryParking Violation
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Read Today's Herd StoryWater Bottle Pick-Up – Again
As any of our long-time readers know, we lost a dear and special dog, Rusty, just a few months ago. The time that has passed allows us to smile at the thoughts of his many, many antics, like the day he picked up a plastic water bottle and carried it on our walk. You also…
Read Today's Herd StoryFirst Ocean Views
While the rest of The Herd has visited the ocean many times, this is Typhoon’s very first visit. Thought you would enjoy the “first” pictures as he saw the ocean.
Read Today's Herd StoryRefined Cheesewhiz RV Face
Believe it or not, we received some ice and snow Thursday. The humans said enough with that, so we are going to find spring (since it, apparently, can’t find us). RVing at the beach! Huntington Beach State Park (er, South Carolina for you west coasters). We promise to share vacation pictures! ***** *****…
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Evidence is Clear – Or Not
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** And a very happy, happy birthday to a hu-grandmom! Hopefully Tartok and Ruby brought you presents!
Read Today's Herd Story