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Typhoon here to tell the entire story of my temper tantrum yesterday morning.
For those of you who do not follow our Facebook Page, the hu-dad posted a comment that as soon as I was loaded into my crate yesterday morning, I threw my biggest temper tantrum ever. He suggested – ok, he stated – that it was because I did not want to leave the beach.
The story is somewhat true. I did throw one big hissy fit. I screamed and yodeled and yelled. My sister Cheoah is well-known for her screaming ability, but even she sat back and applauded my screams. And I kept hollering while the hu-dad was driving the RV home.
BUT, it was not because I was sad to leave the beach. Don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of fun there, but that was not the temper tantrum igniter.
You see, as we were getting our early morning water in our crates, I might have gotten just a wee bit excited about going for our morning walk. My paws do not always land where I want them to and my front paw landed right on the water bowl and flipped it over in my crate soaking my bed. So, the hu-dad took the bed out to dry and placed a towel in the crate.
A towel. Can you imagine? I was expected to ride home for six hours with my butt on a towel. Egads. That is why I threw a temper tantrum. And once the hu-dad figured that out and placed the now dry bed back in my crate, I got quiet and promptly went to sleep for the next 30 minutes.
But then, see, we stopped and I got some water to drink and my paw went in the wrong place and I flipped my water bowl over in my bed again. Then I really threw a temper tantrum.
For some reason, the hu-dad has taken to calling me the Little Prince. I wonder why.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
I dunno dude. But I think maybe by now you figured out knocking over the water bowl is not in your best interest. woo woo!!!!
Typhoon just wants to be dry and comfy 😉 glad he taught his huMan the right way, the Price way 😉 have a great today!
The Little Prince is an adorable title for you Typhoon. Perhaps it was not really a tantrum but just a call to hu-dad to look after your travel comforts. bol
We are happy to know that we enjoyed your beach escapade.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie
Kodi says you are a good disciple of his! He would definitely throw a tantrum over that, which is why he’s had the name of The Little Prince since he came to live with us almost 3 years ago. Kodi applauds your effort!
Well they named you Typhoon…so should have expected some water issues! Really expected to ride in crate on a towel! *shakes head* crazy hu-dad huskies expect and deserve all the comforts,little prince – Of Course!!
Well it looks like in the first picture you were taking the stuffing out of your bed so there must have been something else going on. If you truly wanted your bed you wouldn’t have tried to shred it. Naughty, naughty boy. I can see why hu-dad calls you a princess. My Bruce is a princess too so don’t feel so bad, but you need to stop fitting young man lol. Hugs and kisses to the herd.
Ayla sez: Well, when your travel crate is only “this big”, and the water dish is “THIS big”, and your feet are “THIS BIG”,,.. somethin’s gotta give.
It’s not your fault there, little Buddi…if they didn’t want a whirlwind of water in a Siberian suit, they shouldn’t have named you Typhoon. Just wooin’ it like I see it.
Your pal,
Hu-dad, you tell stories in the most amusing way! Love it! “Poor” Typhoon! Goodness, he’s been taking lessons from a certain QNTE, hasn’t he? Still, such a cutie–you can tell he’s an alpha in the making!