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savoring sunshine

Savoring Sunshine

April 15, 2015 |

After a couple of days of rain (with more predicted over the next couple of days), we received a welcome reprieve with a beautiful sunny, clear evening last night. With such beautiful weather, we were all savoring sunshine.  

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Rainy Days in the RV

April 14, 2015 |

RVing is so much fun . . . except for rainy days in the RV. The only challenge is that when it rains, we are trapped in an RV. Most of the time, that means that we trapped for an hour or two while a little rainstorm passes over. But then there are days like…

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check back later

An Even Dozen

April 13, 2015 |

What is twice as much fun as six Siberian Huskies? Why, an even dozen of Siberians, of course. In our continuing S-RV adventure, we visited some friends in Charleston, SC, and decided to go walking at James Island County Park. So, yes, we made quite the Siberian parade through the park. Before we went to…

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A Long Trip and Hitchhikers

April 12, 2015 |

As we mentioned yesterday, our weekend plans kicked into gear including both a long trip and hitchhikers. Let’s start with the long trip part where Hu-dad loaded us into the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle, for those of you not up on your acronyms – or, as Hu-dad’s old employer used to call them – TLA’s…

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Weekend Plans

April 11, 2015 |

The week is over, the weekend is here, and now is the time to ask if The Herd has some weekend plans. Well, Typhoon, the Hu-dad might just have some plans for you. In fact, he was busy all day getting something really special ready. Want a hint? As all long time readers know, the…

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Late Shift

April 10, 2015 |

Security might be taken very seriously around Chez Herd, but late shift can still be lonely—even if you are Queen Natasha the Evil.

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Office Dog

April 9, 2015 |

After yesterday’s post, we had many questions about why Frankie was inside. With Frankie’s aversion to thunder, many readers suspected that we had thunderstorms. Nope. Despite the rain, we didn’t have thunderstorms. Frankie was in the study because . . . Frankie has always been the office dog! He loves hanging out on Hu-dad’s feet…

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Rainy Day Blahs

April 8, 2015 |

Oh, sure, we know – April showers bring May flowers. All we know is April showers bring Rainy Day Blahs. But that is not our only complaint. Wait until you see what we discovered. Hu-dad likes to point out that we have these large covered porches, so we stay nice and dry. (He also likes…

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One Tired Pup

April 7, 2015 |

So many readers enjoyed yesterday’s post and pictures of our hike, but wanted to know if we did anything special to Typhoon?We sure achieved One Tired Pup, so was there a secret?

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Back to the Trails

April 6, 2015 |

One of the great benefits of spring is that we can access our higher elevation trails (many roads are closed in the winter). We love getting into the backcountry and hiking these trails. The winter weather can create a lot of havoc on the trails, downed trees, brush, wash-outs. We just consider those to be…

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Looking for Trouble

April 5, 2015 |

Every pack has one. That one dog who always seems to be looking for trouble. It really doesn’t take much guessing at Chez Herd to guess who we are referring to. Uh, no, Typhoon, that would not be who we are talking about. But we are guessing you are really, really close. We will describe…

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security duties

Full Recovery

April 4, 2015 |

We haven’t updated you in a while on the full recovery of both of our TPLO surgery patients, Natasha and Cheoah. Both have been fully released for all activities for quiet some time. With the spring weather, they both have spent a lot of time sunning in the yard with their siblings . . .…

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