Full Recovery

We haven’t updated you in a while on the full recovery of both of our TPLO surgery patients, Natasha and Cheoah. Both have been fully released for all activities for quiet some time. With the spring weather, they both have spent a lot of time sunning in the yard with their siblings . . . and other activities.

security duties

The sisters, Kiska in the front and Natasha in the back, handling security duties.

harassing Qannik

Of course, harassing Qannik is one of the important duties shared by the sisters.

doesn't mind

Not that it looks like he minds.

Cheoah could not be disturbed from her sunbeam napping long enough for an update.


  1. The Painter Pack on April 4, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    Recovery looks good! Glad everyone is back to their regular Siberian ways!

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