News / Blog Posts
Resting Up
Major weekend plans with Sarge’s Animal Rescue and their Tenth Annual Downtown Dog Walk this morning in Waynesville, NC, so we are doing some resting up before the big event. We will all be at the big event, though we will not all be walking in the parade. Natasha’s recovery is going very well, but we have…
Read Today's Herd StoryFamily Time
What better day than a Friday to post some family time pictures. Natasha is still very much under supervision when outside with the rest of The Herd, but she is getting more and more time in the yard. With yesterday’s sunny and beautiful weather, it was a perfect day to frolic. And, yes, Hu-Dad really…
Read Today's Herd StoryOffice Help
Hu-Dad has a lot of office help every day as he works in his study, though some of us might be slightly more helpful than others. Yesterday, we showed you how Natasha makes sure Hu-Dad doesn’t leave the office for too many breaks. Today, we demonstrate Typhoon’s special skill. Long time readers will remember that…
Read Today's Herd StoryTollgate Attendant
Hu-Dad claims to work hard in his study, but we are never really sure. What if he happened to go to the kitchen for a snack? What if he tried to take our Jeep for a ride without us? So we have to monitor his movements carefully and a tollgate attendant is perfect for this.…
Read Today's Herd StoryJail Time, Natasha, & Book of the Week
We have so much to cover today including a Natasha update as well as our Book of the Week. Up first, however, has to be a little story about jail time. When The Herd is outside in the yard of Sibe Quentin, Hu-Dad will periodically take a break from his work and check on them.…
Read Today's Herd StoryRepeated Meetings
Ever run into someone repeatedly even though you didn’t plan it? Such repeated meetings can be a little unnerving, but they can also be really amusing. Hu-Dad noticed yesterday that he kept meeting Natasha in different spots in the house. They each began to think the other was following. Hu-Dad is used to stepping over…
Read Today's Herd StoryTools of the Trade
Anyone who is skilled at something will tell you that an important component is to have the proper tools of the trade. Hu-Dad uses many tools in training us, but he has found a particularly effective tool in training the incorrigible Typhoon. As incomprehensible as this might be, Typhoon was up to some mischief Saturday…
Read Today's Herd StoryComfort Is In The Eye of the Beholder
Most humans have heard the phrase “Beauty is the eye of the beholder,” but we Siberians know that it is really “Comfort is in the eye of the beholder.” Frankie likes to lay at the end of the deck so that he has a perfect view of the field for rabbit patrol. Unfortunately, if the…
Read Today's Herd StoryNatasha Vet Visit
A week ago yesterday, Natasha underwent surgery to remove a sizeable mass from her spleen and 30% of her liver. After being discharged from the hospital Saturday, yesterday was the first Natasha vet visit to check on progress. Her sutures are healing well, but they could not all be removed because some more healing needs…
Read Today's Herd StoryTraffic Cops
Lately, we feel like traffic cops. To explain, you need to understand that we live at the very end of a gravel road. And that road connects to another gravel road that runs through the 1000 acre ranch we talk about (and, in the other direction, goes to the ski area). As you can imagine,…
Read Today's Herd StoryShattering the Quiet
Cooler, drier air moved in yesterday evening taking away the threat of our daily thunderstorms. After a long, hard day, Hu-Dad thought it was a perfect time to sit outside within the walls of Sibe Quentin and enjoy the peace. He should have known that would not last long before a few members of The Herd were…
Read Today's Herd StoryStronger and Stronger
We hit a couple of milestones in Queen Natasha’s recover from surgery, so we know she is getting stronger and stronger. Walking time is still very limited and very supervised. Natasha is outside in the yard 4-5 times a day for about 5 minutes at a time. And, importantly, no other dog is out with…
Read Today's Herd Story