Resting Up

Major weekend plans with Sarge’s Animal Rescue and their Tenth Annual Downtown Dog Walk this morning in Waynesville, NC, so we are doing some resting up before the big event.

crashed under desk

Frankie and Typhoon crashed under Hu-Dad’s desk.

We will all be at the big event, though we will not all be walking in the parade. Natasha’s recovery is going very well, but we have no intention of challenging her too much. She will be hanging out in the shade cheering everyone.

Typhoon resting up for parade

But Typhoon is dreaming of his big parade moment.

And, yes, Typhoon, that does mean that some of the Juniors will be marching in the parade without the direct supervision of the Queen. We are sure, however, that she will hear of any misdeeds.

boy will be in trouble.

That boy will be in trouble, for sure.

In case you are not familiar with the Downtown Dog Walk, we have included the videos from the past six years.:





2010 (The Year we led the parade!)

2009 (The Silent Video)

2009 (The Balloon Incident)

Probably one of our most classic videos of Rusty being Rusty – in a boxing match with balloons.

By the way, in case you have never noticed, every video we have ever posted on YouTube can also be found on our Video page. Feel free to visit and watch the videos at your leisure.


  1. KJ Pierson on August 1, 2015 at 9:28 am

    Not a balloon incident. It is the year he prevented the evil balloon invasion!

    • The Thundering Herd on August 1, 2015 at 1:33 pm

      That was Rusty’s version of the story as well.

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