Stronger and Stronger

We hit a couple of milestones in Queen Natasha’s recover from surgery, so we know she is getting stronger and stronger.

outside in my yard

Feels good to be outside in my yard.

Walking time is still very limited and very supervised. Natasha is outside in the yard 4-5 times a day for about 5 minutes at a time. And, importantly, no other dog is out with her to prevent any possibility of playing or running. Still, she is loving her outside time.

scanning for intruders

Scanning the field for intruders.

Our most important milestone yesterday was that Natasha ate an entire meal – polished her bowl. The meal was some shredded chicken and a small cup of her kibble, but it is the first meal she completed since surgery.

And any dog owner who has ever helped a dog recover from something knows how Hu-Dad was when that meal also produced a bowel movement. We decided not to share a picture of that, so you will just have to imagine it, but it is a very good sign.

back for a nap

Time to head back for a nap.

Natasha is not too fond of her reverse-Poodle haircut on her front legs (from IV’s) and the shaved belly, but we are happy with her continued progress. The goal every day is simple right now – stronger and stronger.

Book of the Week

Hu-Dad loves reading books about canine behavior and canine training. He firmly believes that you can always learn at least one thing from any book like that. But his all-time favorite canine behaviorist is Dr. Patricia B. McConnell. She has written many books (and Hu-Dad has read most of them), but he always recommends people start with The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs.

Dr. McConnell understands the canine mind so well and can explain the why behind training techniques better than anyone. And others clearly agree as that book is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon with 531 reviews.

Disclosure – The link above connects you to Amazon who does pay us a small commission if you purchase the treats from that link.


  1. The Ao4 on July 21, 2015 at 11:34 am

    A recovering pup eating a good meal and a nice, healthy poop are some of the things in life that make our mom really, really happy! (Don’t ask me … you know how bipeds are!)
    Natasha, if it makes you feel any better, I have a shaved tummy, too. We should call it a fashion statement!
    PS: Mom has been taking rather strategic photos of me. 🙂

  2. Padma on July 21, 2015 at 8:16 am

    Woo, woo! So glad to hear she’s improving every day.

  3. vincent porrazzo on July 21, 2015 at 3:07 am

    I noticed she didn’t have an e-collar, what sort of sutures were used?

    • The Thundering Herd on July 21, 2015 at 7:29 am

      She had a collar for her first day post-surgery, but she has shown no interest in licking or pulling at her stitches. Since she spends all of her time with Hu-Dad in his study, we are comfortable that her stitches will heal without the collar.

      Certain other members of The Herd would probably not be so lucky.

      • Vincent Porrazzo on July 21, 2015 at 8:32 am

        Thanks for the info, our Silky had an e-collar after she was spayed and she tried to get to the sutures all the time. She hated the e-collar. Some vets use internal sutures that are biodegradable and then glue the skin wound closed. I was just curious what the vets do in your neck of the woods.
        Glad she is recovering well.

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