News / Blog Posts

Photogenic Typhoon

Camera Aware

August 13, 2015 |

We know we post a lot of pictures of Typhoon, but he is just so photogenic. However, we have noticed that is becoming quite camera aware. Take for example this picture that Hu-Dad captured yesterday. Good pose, right? But as every photographer knows, you take several pictures to make sure you capture just the right…

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Want to see?

I Feel Good – Video

August 12, 2015 |

Queen Natasha has had quite the year. Her 12th birthday was in June. She had TPLO surgery to rebuild a knee last fall. And just a couple of weeks ago, she had a nearly two pound mass removed from her spleen and liver (and had her spleen removed). But she wants everyone to know, “I…

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Feeling good - Celebration time

Celebration Time & Book of the Week

August 11, 2015 |

Yes, it is celebration time here at Chez Herd. Natasha’s blood work from yesterday shows that her liver has returned to normal functioning! Her blood work just over a month ago before surgery to remove her spleen and part of her liver showed liver results that were off the charts. We knew that she was…

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Hanging out

A Perfectly Normal Weekend

August 10, 2015 |

A normal weekend. While that may sound boring, we think it sounds absolutely perfect. We are particularly thankful for a normal weekend as Natasha has healed from her surgery a few weeks ago. Jeep rides for the whole family is the center of our perfect weekends. We can head up into the mountains or into…

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not fighter jet zoom zoom

Zoom Zoom Explained

August 9, 2015 |

Yesterday, we told you about Frankie’s challenge with the noise from fighter jets practicing in the skies above us. We also mentioned that we were unable to capture any pictures of the jets because of the fog that had us enveloped. So, Typhoon, if the noises were not made by fighter jets, exactly what were…

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Did you hear that?

Zoom Zoom

August 8, 2015 |

Yesterday was one of those foggy, rainy days. The fog rolled across the mountain top early in the day and covered us. Normally, those are very peaceful days, except for the zoom zoom of fighter jets. Because we live on the eastern border of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, we receive a lot of…

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let's rumble

Instigator of Games

August 7, 2015 |

Typhoon often is in the middle of things, but is he really the instigator of games around Chez Herd? Pictures earlier this week highlight who might really be behind the trouble. Oh, sure, but that is just one moment. No one has noticed a regular pattern of a certain red-head laughing at a little trouble…

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Isn't this normal?

Balancing Act

August 6, 2015 |

How many of you allow your pets on the furniture? You know, like on the couch? Now, before you answer that question, you need to understand the balancing act that Typhoon does when he is on the couch. And we do mean ON the couch. Typhoon, that is normal only in your unique little universe.…

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No worries.

Keeping Watch

August 5, 2015 |

Kiska has always been Queen Natasha’s right paw, shadowing her every move. But as Natasha recovers from her second major surgery in a year, Kiska has been particularly vigilant in keeping watch. Kiska was “in conference” with Hu-Dad (involving a really thorough ear scratch session) when she realized that the Queen had wandered into the…

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Quiet, peaceful morning

Responsible Party / Book of the Week

August 4, 2015 |

In a Herd of Siberian Huskies, being the responsible party is never particularly fun. When that Herd includes a Typhoon, it can be a total drag. Frankie enjoys his quiet time on the deck every morning watching the sun rise and the rabbits scurry . . . just outside the fence. Unfortunately, Typhoon thinks quiet…

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Sarge's Downtown Dog Walk 2015 hits Main Street

Sarge’s Downtown Dog Walk – Video

August 3, 2015 |

As promised, Hu-Dad finally did the editing work on our video of Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation’s Tenth Annual Downtown Dog Walk. Very hard to compress a few hours of fun into less than 2 minutes of video, but he did it! We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed participating in Sarge’s…

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Sarge's Downtown Dog Walk 2015 hits Main Street

Sarge’s Downtown Dog Walk

August 2, 2015 |

Long time readers know that we are huge fans of Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation and have participated every year in Sarge’s Downtown Dog Walk. This year was a little challenging with Natasha recovering from her surgery and unable to participate in the whole parade. Kiska may be the Chief of Security around Chez Herd, but large…

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