Zoom Zoom

Yesterday was one of those foggy, rainy days. The fog rolled across the mountain top early in the day and covered us. Normally, those are very peaceful days, except for the zoom zoom of fighter jets.

Did you hear that zoom zoom?

Whoa. Did you hear that?

Because we live on the eastern border of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, we receive a lot of unusual visitors. Sure you might expect bears, coyote, bobcat, and so on, but we also are visited by those really loud birds – fighter jets doing their training runs along the spine of the mountains. We have posted about them before.

Not going out there

I am not going out there.

Normally, most of us love to watch them dance through the skies, but the fog yesterday prevented any view. Unfortunately for Frankie, the fog did not dampen the noise from the engines as it echoed off of the mountain slopes.

Wake me when they are gone.

Wake me when they are gone.

Poor Frankie. Bad enough that the skies boom from thunder, but really loud and fast birds are just not fair.


  1. Charlotte Anderson on August 8, 2015 at 8:50 am

    We don’t like big boom booms either! What are fog and rain? From Jolie Amie & Granny in Texas

  2. Lori on August 8, 2015 at 6:27 am

    Awww! Poor Frankie! You are so adorable!

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