Keeping Watch

Kiska has always been Queen Natasha’s right paw, shadowing her every move. But as Natasha recovers from her second major surgery in a year, Kiska has been particularly vigilant in keeping watch.

Hang on.

Hang on, Hu-Dad, things to do.

Kiska was “in conference” with Hu-Dad (involving a really thorough ear scratch session) when she realized that the Queen had wandered into the yard to do a perimeter patrol. Kiska’s security mindset kicked into gear.

Keeping watch on my big sister

Keeping watch on my big sister.

Natasha was handling the patrol just fine, but she still acknowledged that her enforcer was ready to assist.

No worries.

Everything is 10-4 here. No worries.


  1. Charlotte Anderson on August 9, 2015 at 11:40 am

    Ah, Sister Love – to abandon a private ear scratching session to watch over her big sis! What a wonderful family you lead, Hu-Dad!

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on August 5, 2015 at 4:37 pm

    Mom sez: As Des Harding (above) commented, it IS nice to see ‘Tasha making such a wonderful, speedy recovery, but it’s also nice to see that Kiska appears to be “apprenticing” well, and is becoming more and more capable of filling in for ‘Tasha if/when necessary.

  3. Des Harding on August 5, 2015 at 4:11 am

    So good to see Natasha out and about, doing her thing! She really does seem to have made a remarkable recovery.

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