News / Blog Posts
Boom Boom’s Busy Day – Film Friday
This week’s Film Friday follows the ever hectic schedule of Landon / Boom Boom’s Busy Day around Chez Herd. Just try to keep up! Some of our readers might suspect that the youngest and newest member of The Herd doesn’t have many responsibilities. Boom Boom sets out this week to prove how crazy his schedule…
Read Today's Herd StoryAvoiding The Doggie Flu Bug
We are curious how all of our readers are dealing with canine influenza, but we are being homebodies this summer to avoid the doggie flu. As you have probably heard, canine influenza is again in the news. We have no intention of adding to unnecessary panic or bad information, so we will simply link to our…
Read Today's Herd StoryA Difference of Opinion – Film Friday
Frankie amuses himself by watching his two little brothers and their quite different opinion about how to handle a rainy day.
Read Today's Herd StoryOdd Couples – At The Vet And Home
Today is a story involving odd couples – pairs that you do not normally see hanging out together, but circumstances conspired. The first pairing – Miss Kiska and Typhoon Phooey. Many of you will remember that Queen Natasha was quite enamored with the Little Prince and welcomed his mischievousness. We suspect that she something of…
Read Today's Herd Story