News / Blog Posts

Sure, Hu-Dad, uh-huh.

Typhoon Not Really Listening

June 15, 2017 |

Typhoon, like many Siberian Huskies, has a well-honed skill of not really listening to the Hu-Dad, as these photographs prove. To gain Typhoon’s full attention, Hu-Dad decided to move directly between Typhoon and the window. Somehow, Hu-Dad thought he still did not have Typhoon’s undivided attention. What do you think? Thursday is our traditional Throwback…

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Doggie Flu sounds bad!

Avoiding The Doggie Flu Bug

June 14, 2017 |

We are curious how all of our readers are dealing with canine influenza, but we are being homebodies this summer to avoid the doggie flu. As you have probably heard, canine influenza is again in the news. We have no intention of adding to unnecessary panic or bad information, so we will simply link to our…

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Hi, Hu-Dad. Ear scratch, please.

Office Organizational Effectiveness

June 13, 2017 |

Hu-Dad is always trying to increase his productiveness when working in his study, so Landon offered some office organizational effectiveness. Uh, Landon, we are not sure how you getting ear scratches can increase Hu-Dad’s productivity. So why don’t you go take a nap or something? No, buddy, but that really isn’t helping Hu-Dad get his…

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Cheesewhiz's Monday morning motivation

Monday Morning Motivation

June 12, 2017 |

We know that many of you read our stories just before leaving for work or right after arriving in the office, so here is some Monday morning motivation. As Hu-Dad stumbles into his study on Monday’s to begin yet another work week, Cheoah assumes her usual motivational position – sacked out on the couch in the…

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Not a chance, Q. Pick me.

A Whole Handful Of Handsome

June 11, 2017 |

Hu-Dad muttered something about a whole handful of handsome running around Chez Herd which led to lots of posing and preening. As beautiful as they are, the girls of The Herd never worry about beauty contests. Miss Kiska concentrates on her role of Chief of Security and Miss Cheoah has entirely too much fun playing…

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I'm melting. I'm melting.

Siberian Sizzling Summer Heat

June 10, 2017 |

With school kids ending their school years, our Siberian Sizzling Summer Heat is here and we are protesting quite loudly about it. Believe it or not, as the summer temperatures soar, Hu-Dad suggested that we all hang outside while he did some household chores. We howled about the injustice of it all. What sort of…

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Difference of Opinion

A Difference of Opinion – Film Friday

June 9, 2017 |

Frankie amuses himself by watching his two little brothers and their quite different opinion about how to handle a rainy day.

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It's hard work looking this relaxed.

Upside Down Working Day

June 8, 2017 |

Hu-Dad focused on a timelapse photography project in his study, so Cheoah decided to declare an upside down working day at Chez Herd. With a deadline looming, Hu-Dad stayed in his study from sunrise to sunset. Well, we did make sure he took some breaks to let us in and out and in and out…

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Your touching my paw, Boom Boom.

Odd Couples – At The Vet And Home

June 7, 2017 |

Today is a story involving odd couples – pairs that you do not normally see hanging out together, but circumstances conspired. The first pairing – Miss Kiska and Typhoon Phooey. Many of you will remember that Queen Natasha was quite enamored with the Little Prince and welcomed his mischievousness. We suspect that she something of…

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Landon's telltale is his tail. It's not curled up like normal.

How You Know Something Is Interesting

June 6, 2017 |

At a glance, Hu-Dad can know something is interesting to the ever observant dogs. Can you identify how in this photograph? As you see above, Landon and Frankie are both watching something just outside of the fence of Sibe Quentin. Frankie Suave has his usual cool demeanor – laying on the deck with his head…

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Yes, ma'am, watching the horizon.

Paying Attention To Details

June 5, 2017 |

Our Chief of Security Kiska is a stickler about paying attention to details, even if her fluffy white sidekick needs a gentle reminder. Miss Kiska takes her security duties quite seriously, as we have shown repeatedly. She also has an expectation that the rest of The Herd follows her example in monitoring all threats.Unfortunately, Qannik…

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You are so in trouble now, Little One.

Wrestlemania on Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

June 4, 2017 |

Welcome to Sunday, Sunday, Sunday (said in our best monster truck rally voice!) and our very own Siberian Husky Wrestlemania! Of course, we do not wait for any particular day of the week to have our wrestling matches, but we thought the title fit perfectly for today. Every wrestler might be a masked bandit, too!…

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