News / Blog Posts

Here bunny, bunny, bunny.

The Other Side Of The Fence

June 29, 2017 |

Humans say that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Typhoon says to the real problem is that is where the rabbits are. Hu-Dad continues his rabbit protection program – scanning the yard for Peter Cottontail before allowing The Herd into Sibe Quentin. The rabbits are very thankful for the advanced warning,…

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Not a problem. I am wide awake.

Cheesewhiz is Slip, Slip, Slipping Away

June 28, 2017 |

With a beautiful, cool, sunny afternoon, Cheesewhiz is doing her best to monitor the yard, but she is slip, slip, slipping away. The boys were playing in the yard. Cheoah had quietly left the game and went to her crate. The weather was perfect. The sun was shining. The air was cool. And was totally…

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You have doubts?

Preparing For A Speed Test

June 27, 2017 |

After yesterday’s post about the Speed Racer Club, Qannik’s fans wanted to know if he was preparing for a speed test. Here is his response. Typhoon’s surprised look suggested to some fans that Qannik had a sudden burst of speed that was captured on film. Of course, the culprit was Cheeseewhiz, but we asked the…

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Typhoon, Champion of the Speed Racer Club

Joining The Speed Racer Club

June 26, 2017 |

When we mention the Speed Racer Club of The Herd, we think of the champion, Typhoon. But guess who was added to the membership roster? Without a doubt, Typhoon is the fastest here at Chez Herd. He not only has incredible speed, he can also dart, twist and turn faster than any rabbit here. Which,…

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Food! Oh boy. Oh boy.

Nothing Like Dinner Bell Excitement

June 25, 2017 |

Typhoon is eating regularly and gaining weight, but the best part right now is his attitude toward meals – best described as dinner bell excitement. Hu-Dad has dealt with many canine ailments and attitudes over the years, but Typhoon’s eating habits were the strangest he had ever seen. Some dogs don’t like eating certain things,…

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Boom Boom, The Heavy Thinker

Boom Boom, The Heavy Thinker

June 24, 2017 |

Though we suspect many of our readers might be surprised, we have photographic evidence that Boom Boom is quite the heavy thinker. When asked, Landon was reluctant to explain exactly what he was thinking, but we would note that everyone else in The Herd was taking advantage of some actual sunshine by napping. Hu-Dad was…

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magic tree

The Magic Tree – Film Friday

June 23, 2017 |

We often talk about our magnificent Tree of Life, a giant maple tree growing within Sibe Quentin. But did you know it was a magic tree? As Hu-Dad’s camera follows Typhoon and Landon during their perpetual rabbit hunt, the boys wish they had some special way to entice the rabbits back inside the yard. Or maybe they…

Read Today's Herd Story
Keep this up and you might actually be my big big brother and not my little big brother.

Sparkly Clean Teeth And More Weight

June 22, 2017 |

Yesterday, we had a successful vet visit for Kiska and Typhoon and we can now report sparkly clean teeth and more weight – all good news. Yes, Miss Kiska, you did need your teeth and gums cleaned. Good dental hygiene helps to prevent infections – an important thing to avoid for an older . . .…

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Typhoon doing his best Little Prince pose.

The Special Little Prince Treats

June 21, 2017 |

Typhoon has trained Hu-Dad to an ultimate level now which includes the special Little Prince treats delivered for royal reasons. Many moons ago, Hu-Dad was attempting to train Natasha on bathroom etiquette. Someone suggested that he hang bells on the patio door so that she could ring the bell when she needed to go outside.…

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Don't worry - I will hear you if you move.

Another Boring Day At The Office

June 20, 2017 |

Our weekend ended, so Hu-Dad settled into his study for his Monday routine – or, as Frankie calls it, another boring day at the office. Yesterday was rainy, stormy and dreary all day, somewhat fitting for a Monday. That also meant that the deck was not providing prime Siberian sunning weather, so everyone hung out…

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Landon - Just hanging out in the shadows. Sort of.

Big Brother’s Little Shadow

June 19, 2017 |

When you are lucky enough to have a big brother as cool cool as Frankie Suave, being the little shadow is an awesome experience. When Landon arrived at Chez Herd, we assumed that he and Typhoon would become best friends considering their similar zany natures. As it turns out, though, Landon is an awe of his…

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Our Little Prince prancing through the yard.

Little Prince Prancing Through Sibe Quentin

June 18, 2017 |

Rabbits have been cleared from Sibe Quentin, so that leaves our Little Prince prancing through Sibe Quentin in celebration. Typhoon has long reigned as the fastest member of The Herd. In addition to his pure sprinting speed, he has amazing footwork allowing him to twist and turn with incredible quickness. Unfortunately for our rabbit population,…

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